2 | Hangout

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Saturday, 10:45am.


Perrie sighed as she opened her eyes. She didn't like to wake up that early. She loved to sleep long. To forget her thoughts and problems. But it seemed like today wasn't that kinda day.

The blonde turned around and grabbed her phone. As she looked at the display, she could see that it was Leigh who was calling her. An uncomfortable feeling spread in Perrie's gut immediately. Guilt. She wasn't sure if she should pick up the call, but in the end, she decided to take the call. It was Leigh-Anne after all and she'd see her on Monday anyway and maybe she could make up for saying no to the party Leigh asked her to come. "Hello?"

"Did I wake you up?", Leigh asked and you could hear that she was sorry.

"Yeah.", Perrie simple said.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay.. Why'd you call?", Perrie asked and stood up. She made her way to the bathroom while waiting for Leigh's answer.

"I was wondering if you'd like to hangout with me and a few friends today. I know you like being for yourself and all, but we haven't hangout in a long time and I'd love to do that again.", you could hear how nervous Leigh was.

Perrie really didn't want to go, that was a fact, but she felt guilty for distancing herself from her best friend and maybe this was some kind of way to make up for it. "Uh.. Sure."

A huge smile appeared on Leigh's face, "Great. We meet up at the mall at one. Is that okay?"

Perrie nodded, but realized that Leigh couldn't see her, "Yeah. Bye." The blonde hung up. It already felt wrong to go out and meet other people. Perrie liked silence. She liked being alone and she didn't like meeting new people. But Leigh was her best friend after all, and though Perrie would rather watch netflix and eat, it was her responsibility to keep that friendship alive. 'Cause Leigh-Anne was the only one she had left and if she'd lose Leigh, she'd lose everything. - And she didn't want to lose someone again.

So the blonde went to her closet. Perrie looked out of the window and saw how sunny it was. Of course, it was summer, but the blonde sighed immediately at the thought that she couldn't wear a t-shirt. So the first thing she grabbed out of her closet was a black hoodie, a black skinny jeans and a pair of black socks. Yes, she liked wearing edgy clothes. She wasn't someone that'd wear pink and yellow together and then make a fashion statement about it.

Perrie couldn't care less about how she looked like, which is why she didn't put any make-up on. It wasn't just that, but she also didn't feel motivated enough to do that. That feeling has been stuck for a long time. Perrie started to be less motivated about a lot of things. It was like a daily routine to her. Perrie couldn't even remember when she started to feel like this. It seemed like it has always been like that. 

The blonde went downstaires and looked at the clock: 12:15. She needed to get going soon. Perrie lived thirty minutes away from the mall and if she wanted to be there in time, she needed to be ready in like fifteen minutes. Perrie was one of the people who didn't have a car nor a license. The blonde was already feeling stressed, because she wasn't sure how to be at the mall at one since she hadn't even eat breakfast. It's not that she was so fond of eating breakfast anyway, but there was a part of her that wanted to eat.

After she put on her shoes and put her phone in the pocket, she made her way to the mall. Little did she know this day was going to be even more interesting than she thought. 


Perrie faked a smile as Leigh greeted her. She felt very uncomfortable in the mall. There were so many people she didn't know and the fact that she didn't even meet Leigh's friends yet scared her. What if they didn't like her? Did they even know her? What if she didn't like them? So many questions where running through her head, which made her even more stressed than she already was.

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