7| One Last Talk

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*Okay so I deleted the original 7th chapter because I wasn't really proud of it. So here's a new 7th chapter! :) I might switch to Perrie or Jade's P.O.V in this chapter because that's what I wanna do for the rest of the story. I already know the ending but I'm not sure yet when the end will be. But there won't be 20 chapters. That's one thing I can already tell you. This story means a lot to me and I don't wanna drag it on for too long. I don't want the story to end up being complicated. Also I'm having a new idea for a fanfiction.. ;) Bytes you'll have to wait and see*


Jade was standing in front of Perrie's house. She was nervous. Very nervous. Jade didn't know what to do. She knew she had to talk to the blonde, but she didn't want to make things worse. For a minute Jade even thought to go back home. But she knew that would be a mistake. The brunette had to talk to Perrie. She had to make everything right. She just really hoped Perrie was okay. The brunette raised her arm and rang the doorbell. She took a deep breath. No one opened the door. To be honest, Jade's heart started to beat faster and faster. She rang the doorbell one more time. And suddenly the door opened.

But it wasn't who she expected, "Zayn?!", Jade asked shockingly. Although Jade realized short after that Zayn was Perrie's boyfriend so of course they'd hang out. The pain in her heart was starting to become worse. She hadn't liked someone that much for a long time and to see that person with someone else. That hurt.

"Oh, hey.", he said nervously. "I thought you and Pez aren't on good terms?"

Pez?! Jade thought, okay, calm down. "Yeah, that's why I'm here. To talk. Where is she?"

"I'll get her, wait.", he said and left.

For Jade, the time seemed like slow motion. And when she saw Perrie slowly coming up to her, her heart started to beat faster. She could see that Perrie was scared and she felt guilty for earlier. Though, Jade was the one who did something wrong, not Perrie. Jade hated that Perrie put all the blame on her, even though she didn't do anything wrong.

"Hey.", Jade said.

"Hey.", Perrie whispered. 


Jade's P.O.V

"Look, I'm sorry for everything I did wrong. All I wanted was to be friends with you and I ruined that. There is a reason why, but it wouldn't be fair of me to tell you what the reason is. You're happy with your boyfriend and you deserve that. Yeah, I wanted to get that off my chest.", I said and I could literally feel the nervousness falling off of my shoulders. It wasn't all I had to say, but I wasn't sure if confessing everything right away was the right thing to do. Something was clearly going on with Perrie, much more than I already knew and to bother her with my feelings? I don't think that's a good idea. Especially because I don't think she's gay or bi. And why tell someone how you feel when you know you're gonna get your heart broken anyway.

I impatiently waited for Perrie's response. I could see that she was trying to find the right words in fear she'd say the wrong thing again. For me personally, there's nothing Perrie could say or do that's wrong and I hated that she doubted herself so much. I didn't know what else happened in her life that made her the way she was now except her parents stuff and although this was already bad enough, I didn't think that was it.

"Jade.. That's uh.. Very sweet of you to say, but why are you apologising? You didn't do anything wrong. I was the one who pushed you away so many times, hurt you and that only because.." You could hear that Perrie chose her words really carefully, but I also noticed that there was something she wanted to say.

So I made the first move,"Because?"

"Nothing. It's nothing. Look Jade I kinda have a date right now, but can meet up soon if you want. I mean I kinda have to make it up to you." To be completely honest, right after she said that I was wondering what was going on in her head. What kind of demons were haunting her in this exact moment. I couldn't imagine how terrible that must be. Having unfamiliar voice in your head that tell you you're always the problem, always the one who's at fault.

"Okay, I'll just get your number from Leigh and text you tonight, alright?", I smiled.

My heart skipped a beat when I received a smile, not a fake one, back. "Alright. Bye!", Perrie said and closed the door. I started walking and took a deep breath. I turned back one last time to look at Perrie's door. Right now in this moment, she was with Zayn. And as much as I liked her, she was with Zayn.

She's straight. Get over it!

She's never gonna want someone like you!

Don't be so full of yourself!

I shook my head, no I'm not hearing voices. This is crazy. It's probably just myself trying to make me un-fall for Perrie. Wait a minute, what did I just say?

I'm head over heals for you, Perrie Edwards. Shit.


I know this isn't the longest uptade, but it's at least something. Now I can finally go in the direction I planned for this story :) Also I decided there will be around 5-6 Chapters left if I can develop everything I want to develop in this story. Next chapter will start with Perrie's P.O.V and I really can't wait to finish the story! Not because I want to get over it, I definitely don't, but because I'm excited to see your reactions in the upcoming chapters :)

As always, tell me what you think and if you have any ideas leave them in the comments :)

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