4 | "What the- Perrie what is this?!"

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Friday, 12:55pm

You probably thought things changed when Jade appeared on Perrie's front door, but they didn't. It was something like a one time thing. Jade and Perrie had a lot of fun, even though Perrie wasn't opening up yet. But now it was Friday and they haven't spoken to each other since Monday. Perrie was trying to avoid Jade as much as she could. Not because she didn't like Jade. She avoided her because she liked Jade. Perrie didn't want to go any further because she didn't want to hurt the brunette. The blonde knew that sooner or later she'd end up hurting the gorgeous brunette and that was what she was trying to avoid. Perrie was convinced she'd hurt everyone around her sooner or later. First her mother, then Leigh, the blonde also thought it was her fault that her father left. - She didn't want to hurt Jade. That was all.

But actually, Jade thought she did something wrong. Since Tuesday she had been trying to talk to Perrie, but either the blonde went before she could even talk to her or she avoided Jade and pretended like she wasn't even there. - And yes. It hurt Jade a lot. Jade liked how they were talking and getting to know each other on Monday. Jade really thought she finally met someone she could be hundred percent honest with. After her Ex-Boyfriend, Perrie was the only one who made Jade feel something.. Romantically? Yes, the brunette knew that they only just met and that Perrie probably didn't like girls like that, but she couldn't help it. She wanted to know everything about the blonde. Her little habits, her secrets, if she snores while sleeping or not, if she'd be the kind of girlfriend who'd steal your sweaters or not. Jade wanted to know everything, but it seemed like it wasn't supposed to happen. None of her friends knew Jade was bisexual, except her best-friend Jesy. Jade wasn't that kind of person who'd brag about something like that. Especially, because she wasn't sure if her parents were okay with that. Yes, her mother was very open-minded, but she wasn't sure about her dad. Her familyhood was perfect, no doubt, but it was just this little thing that was bothering her. But if she'd know about Perrie's familyhood, maybe she wouldn't complain that much about her own.

Perrie was in last period right now, same as Jade and Leigh. Jade and Perrie had different classes, but Jade was sure that she was going to talk to Perrie whether the blonde liked it or not. The blonde didn't even pay attention. She was thinking about stuff, - she was thinking about Jade. When the bell rang, Perrie put all of her things in her bag and got out of the classroom as soon as possible. The blonde went through the hallway straight outside. She wanted to go home as quickly as possible. But of course, that wasn't going to happen. She bumped against someone and instead of expecting for the person to say something dumb and then continue to go, whoever she bumped into grabbed her arm softly. Perrie quickly raised her head and her eyes widened as she saw Zayn in front of her. He had a worried look on his face.

"Are you okay, Pez?", the dark-haired guy asked and eyed the blonde beauty.

Perrie nodded quickly, "Y-Yeah. I just need to go home now."

"Okay.", Zayn said softly and nodded. He didn't let go though.

"I'm sorry, but for me to go home you have to let go of me.", Perrie said and tried not to sound too mean since Zayn was actually very gentle to her.

Zayn smiled nervously and let go of her arm, "Sorry. See you around, Edwards." And with that he went home.

Perrie took a deep breath. She didn't know what to think about Zayn. He was a weirdo, - a nice weirdo though. The blonde tried not to think about it anymore. She continued to walk, but was stopped by someone grabbing her arm. "Zayn, what do you-", Perrie said while turning around, but she stopped talking as she saw who was in front of her.

The blonde swallowed, "What do you want, Jade?"

"Well, since Monday you've been avoiding me and I thought maybe we should talk.", Jade said in a serious ton.

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