The End

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Guys, listen.

I won't make a tenth chapter. I'm sorry :( There are multiple reasons why I won't do that, but one of them is the reason that I don't want to make suicide or depression seem romantic. It's not romantic or anything in that department. I loved writing this story & it also kind of helped me to deal with a few problems that I have. I won't stop writing about Jerrie. I wanted my fellow, loyal Jerrie readers to know that. I've written four Jerrie fanfictions already & I'm kind of writing one at the moment (RTF), but since that story focuses more on their kids than them, I will write a new Jerrie fanfiction soon. But right now I won't have that much time to write, which is why I'll only uptade a mini story that I started almost two years ago & a veronica & archie fanfiction from Riverdale, where I'm also writing short chapters. I also have began writing the 9th Chapter of RTF, but since I write very long chapters for that story & one I'm still planning, I won't uptade them as regularly as my mini stories. Many things have been happening lately & I'm very stressed from school, so I can't manage writing long chapters in one week at the moment. But that will change soon, I promise!

If there's anyone who struggles with suicide thoughts, self-harm, depression or anything; stay strong, it'll get better & you'll be happy again someday. Trust & get help, because there are people who are going to be there for you, even if you don't believe it. You can send me a message anytime! ♥ I love you & not a singel one of you deserves to feel any kinds of pain. 

Love always,


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