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Credence POV

I was in a bad, impoverished neighborhood. There was scary men doing deals, I didn't  know what they were dealing but Ma often told me not to approach them. In any case. And I landed right next to them.

We were in a big street but it looked really damaged, there were girls wearing really revealing clothes and other groups like the one just beside me, smoking.

They smelt of alcohol and cigarettes.
One approached me.
I backed off until my back reached a wall and I couldn't go further.

"Are you lost, child ?" He stressed the word child, although he wasn't much older than I was.

I was scared and couldn't talk. I blurted out a "N-n-n-n... N-no" and bursted out crying.

"Aw our little baby's stuttering ! How cute !" He took a knife out of his pocket.
"How long is it that you spy on us ? Is Sean sending you ? Because you can tell him to fuck off, I will never let him the merch for this price."

"I d-don't know an-any Sean. I- I'm sorry..." My sobs made talking quite difficult, my vision was blurry from my tears.

Help. Please. Help me.

Then I felt it, my body was once again evaporating in fear.

I saw the guy's eyes widen then he backed off.

Then I heard a crack beside me and steps. I felt a hand on my shoulder and a voice that I could recognize in the middle of billions others.

"Got a problem with these kids, Credence ?"

I didn't dare looking at him, how did he know ?

Percival POV

I was walking to the aurors' office for a meeting when I suddenly felt something strange. Something was wrong. I could hear Credence's voice.

"Help. Please. Help me."

Definitely, something was wrong.
He was in danger.

I got out of the Ministry as fast as I could, thinking only of him when I disapparated.

And here I was. In one of the worst areas in New York, drug dealing, gun trafficking, even prostitution.

I saw him at once, a black mist surrounding him.
I felt like I should touch him, to reassure him. So I put my hand on his shoulders, as an instinct.

Then I saw some young men, probably the same age as Credence. I saw the one closest was holding a knife.
What the fuck did he think he would do to my boy ?

I locked my eyes in the guy's, certain that if I had lasers instead, he would be dead. My barely contained rage was showing in my eyes.

I said through gritted teeth :
" Got a problem with these kids, Credence ? "

I took my eyes off the guy with the knife to fix them upon Credence.
The mist had disappeared but he was shaking madly, out of fear.

I withdrew my hand from his shoulder, placed myself in front of him, protecting him from them.

With my suit from the Ministry I kind of looked like an official. They thought I was one because they ran off and so did half the street.

Once they were gone, I turned to him, he slid himself once again down the wall.
So I did like the last time, I crouched down to him.

I raised his chin with my index, searching for his eyes. He was still sobbing, tears rushing down his cheeks and rolling down his neck.

"Credence, please look at me."

His eyes found mine, they were full of fear. Almost as much as the first time I saw them.
This time I didn't wait, I hugged him straight away. He didn't flinch.

I passed my hand through his hair.
"It's okay Credence, it's okay."

He stopped sobbing. He was slowly calming. I handed him a tissue so he could blow his nose, I wiped his tears.

I cupped his face with my hands.
"It's okay Credence, you're always in security when you're with me."

I passed once again my hand in his hair, and all I did, from the beginning, was all instinct, as if my subconscious was telling me all I had to do.

I brushed slowly my thumb on his cheek, one of my hands still cupping his face.

"Now, what were you doing in here ? It's a really dangerous area. You could have gotten hurt."

He dropped his gaze.

"What is it ?"

I knew something else was wrong.
I took his hand but he flinched, dropped it and closed it.

"I'm not going to hurt you, Credence. Please let me see your hands."

He looked down, I wrapped my hand around his wrist and opened it. I gasped at the wounds, with my other hand I brushed his, almost seductively, I didn't know why but did it anyway.
He raised his head at this gesture and his eyes were once again piercing through my soul.

I healed his other hand. My eyes locked in his, allowing him to detail every inch of my face.

"Who did that to you ?" I already knew the answer, but I wanted to keep talking, to keep a vocal contact, a link to the real world, avoiding to get lost in thoughts as I already was in his eyes.

"Ma." His voice was hoarse, as if he had not been talking for days.

"I know what you are, Credence. This thing, that's inside of you, it's not a bad thing. It makes you a wizard. When we find the child, you'll come with me, you'll leave this crazy woman. You'll learn how to control and use your magic. And you'll be a great wizard. I can sense it issuing from you. I can sense that your magic is really powerful." I smiled, I was feeling good. I don't know if it was because he was now in security to my sides or if it was just caused by his presence.

His face lit up, I could read his happiness and hope. But then his expression saddened.

"I tried you know, I really thought I had him. I thought he was the child. But it turned out he wasn't an-and then he ca-came and the th-thing t-t-took control." He was stuttering out of fear.

I caressed his cheek.

"It's okay Credence, we still got time. It's alright, it's not your fault. Plus I wouldn't have expected you to find it so quickly..." I hugged him.
And whispered.
"It's always going to be okay when you're with me, Credence, I'm protecting you."

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