The masked man(masky)

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Main bio

The Masked Man is a recurring character whose main characteristic is the use of The Mask. His intentions are unknown, not being clear if he wants to help Jay and hurt Alex Kralie or if he is just trying to use one or both of them. Some believe he is totheark because he is seen in a few of his videos. He's called "Masky" by the fandom.

Far into the series, we learn that there are multiple masked people. The second most prominent masked person is the Hooded Man, and they seem to be working together.


The Masked Man appears to be angry and has limited vision. He is quick to attack what appears to be threatening him.


The Masked Man first appears in Entry 18, when Jay goes to The House. He attacks Jay, and after a quick struggle falls to the ground while having a seizure. Jay carefully approaches him to remove his mask, but he shouts "No!", pushes him away and flees.

He appears in Entry 19 beside Jay's bed while he is sleeping.

During Entry 23, Jay finds him again in The House, and the former begins to chase him through the house, causing what some people believe traveling through space and time when passing through a door.

He makes an appearance in totheark's video "Warning",

The Masked Man appears in a video posted by Totheark on the main channel Entry #####.

During Entry 33, he slips into Jay and Jessica's hotel, enters Jay's room and seemingly attacks him. Jay hits him with a flashlight and flees with the recently found tapes. He's briefly seen limping, as it is confirmed in Entry 35. Some people says teleportation happens when Jay escapes. More info in Entry 33's Observations section.

In Entry 35, the Masked Man attacks Jay and Alex and, upon Jay's removal of the mask, it is confirmed that The Masked Man is in fact Tim. After Alex is stabbed by Tim in the leg and is denied the knife by Jay, he smashes and subsequently breaks Tim's leg with a cement rock. This explains the Masked Man's limp in Entry 33.

After some time out of the series, his face appears again in totheark's "Sidenote", along with who appears to be the Hooded Man. Appears again in totheark's "Extraction".

Since Alex knew where Tim was, it can be assumed that he was hunting Tim down and intended to kill him, and could mean that Tim was planning to kill Alex and not Jay, which is why he showed up the second time Jay went there when Alex conveniently did as well. It is also assumed that Tim had taken the knife from Jay way back in the house and planned to use it on Alex.

In Entry 45 near the end of the entry, The Hooded Man and Masked Man attack Alex, but are scared off by the sudden appearance of something believed to be The Operator.

In Entry 50, the Masked Man is chased by Jay after being spotted lurking behind a tree. Jay is not able to catch him, despite his limping, which made some people reaffirm he has the ability to teleport. Jay loses him when he goes into The Tunnel.

During the events of Entry 52, he saves Jay and Jessica's lives by tackling Alex, who is pointing a gun at them and looks like he is about to murder them. While they struggle, Jay and Jessica escape. A gunshot is heard and Jessica screams, but we don't learn what happened with Alex nor the Masked Man. If you look closely, you can spot the Masked Man already waiting in the place Alex is luring Jay and Jessica. He can be seen peeking out of the window at 3:21.

** After this point The Masked Man is often refered to as a "state of being" because of Entry 53 it is debated whether it is a dissociative personality disorder or something else, but aside from being the same person, we refer to Tim as being different from The Masked Man. For appearances purposes we will now refer to it as a Masked Man state if "both" are in an entry.**

In Entry #61, while Tim is trying to live a normal life, Hoody breaks into his house and steals his pills, causing Tim to sob and enter some sort of seizure. In the next entry, Jay wanders into an area of Rosswood Park where he believes Tim ran off to. However, he encounters Masky, who chases him throughout the area before eventually capturing him and dragging him off camera. Hoody then appears and turns off the camera, although due to Hoody's actions in the previous entry it's unclear whether Masky and Hoody are working together or Hoody is working alone. When Jay wakes up, he finds himself in a dilapidated old cabin in a previously unseen area of Rosswood. Outside he finds Tim, who is still dressed in Masky's clothes, but no longer has the mask on. Tim seems to be waking up after falling unconscious. He has no memory at all of his time as Masky, nor does he have any idea how he and Jay wound up near the cabin.

In Entry 62 Jay goes after Tim, but encounters him in his Masked Man state, when he wakes up after the encounter Tim had reverted back to his "usual" persona.

During Entry 67 Tim attacks Alex without his Mask on, however, because he "wakes up" (like the previous entry) later next to his mask, he is believed to be in his Masked Man state.

In Entry 76 from footage found in Entry 75 it shows The Masked Man carrying Jessica out of the hotel they stayed at in The Missing Seven Months and takes her to Rosswood Park. Later in the entry, Tim or possibly him still in the Masked Man state removes the mask.

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