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afraidathome is both a Tumblog, with accompanying Youtube and Twitter account. The Youtube account contains 29 videos, 135 subscribers, and over 7,000 views. It centers around Kyle Emerson, who hears strange sounds coming from his bedroom walls. After investigating, he realizes his house might be an open portal to another world, from which an entity named FATHER wants to escape.

Afraid At Home had one accompanying tumblr blog named Pater Noster, the tumblr blog was later deleted. The series also has a sequel named Stargazer (with its accompanying Youtube channel PlagueofourFathers).

Summary To Date

Part 1

Kyle starts hearing weird sounds coming from his bedroom wall, which is revealed to be the sound made by an entity named FATHER upon its arrival into our world. FATHER's goal is to possess Kyle's body, which he had been harvesting ever since Kyle had an accident causing his temporary death.

In the mean time, Kyle is also being plagued by a mysterious person named Pater Noster foretelling the arrival of FATHER into our world. This person is revealed to be Kyle's earlier self (before the car crash that killed his father, and before his body was being harvested by FATHER) manifested as a split personality. This Kyle warns the other Kyle of FATHER's imminent arrival throughout, and also kills Kyle's best friend Justin to detach Kyle from the world further.

In the end, Kyle is attacked by FATHER (who had taken control of Justin's dead body), and is ultimately possessed.

Part 2

After Kyle's possession, strange videos started to be uploaded on the channel. These videos in some way retell the story of Afraid At Home, but in a different scenario, and with Kyle having a different, more aggressive personality. How these videos pertain to canon is yet to be determined.

Pre Afraid At Home

It was revealed through cryptic messages by Pater Noster that, a long time ago, a group of scientists experimenting with parallel dimensions discovered a bridge between their world and another. They figured out how to open a portal into it, and send in explorers. In this road (aptly named "Perpendicular dimension", these explorers found a faceless creature hiding within it. The creature proceeded to kill everyone, except for the head scientist. The head scientist's life began to unravel, as his wife suddenly disappeared, leaving him with their child.. One day, feeling threatened by the lurking feeling that this entity might be following him, he and took his son, and skipped town, ending however in a car crash killing the both of them. The entity, however, eventually reached the crash site, and brought back the child, Kyle, to life, in the hopes of using his body in the future as his own vessel.


Kyle Emerson

Kyle is the main character from the Afraid At Home seres. He is twenty years old, and an anthropology major, in an undisclosed location. Kyle is an extremely cautious person. He has a hard time in showing his face on screen, and in telling anyone where he is from and what he does in life. After hearing strange crackling sounds coming from his bedroom wall, he begins to vlog about other strange happenings around his house. Eventually he comes across an entity named FATHER, who wishes to posess Kyle's body to finally gain human form.

When Kyle was a child, his father conducted some experiments that brought FATHER into our world. One day, feeling threatened, Kyle's father took him and drove off with no place to go. This resulted in a car crash that killed both Kyle and his father. The entity, FATHER, found their bodies, and brought the young Kyle back to life, in hopes of in the future using his body to gain bodily access to our world. This harvesting process resulted in the apparent elimination of Kyle's personality, with the substitution of a new one created by FATHER.

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