Whispered Faith Timeline (2016 - 2019)

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[C/N: Before you read the timeline, you've probably noticed the title. I want to apologize for the sudden change or format but, between 2016 and 2019 there weren't a lot of tweets posted. So I decided to simply post them in one part, once again I apologize for the change of format but, it is much simpler this way. I don't think you would want one part with only 3 tweets XD. Anyway please enjoy]

BOLD - Videos titles

ITALIC - tweets

BOLD AND ITALIC - If any of the tweets have video links and other stuff in them

C/N = Creators note(s)

◾ 9th February 2016

11:00 PM - Somewhere Else (1) is uploaded and a tweet is sent out with an additional  message "2 of 3"

◾ 18th March 2016

7:24 PM - Will be uploading the remainder of the footage from my journey tonight. Stay tuned.

9:35 PM - Somewhere Else (2) is uploaded and a tweet is sent out with an additional message - https://youtube.com/watch?v=OVfObnSXeI8 I felt them when I woke up. The other Carriers.

9:35 PM - I'm not sure how, but I knew who they were...and now I need to find them.

◾ 3rd August 2016

4:53 PM - I should probably let you all know that I'm still alive, right?

5:17 PM - Beginning of the End is uploaded and a tweet is sent out with an additional message - https://youtu.be/M3-unLmEHTI Here's some proof if you didn't believe me

◾ 1st April 2017

8:00 PM - There's something happening

10:21 PM - April Fools, darlings. Just little old me ;) Lee, dear, I do hope you're well. That Carrier hunt can't be good for your mental health. XOXO

◾ 2nd April 2017

1:10 AM - Laugh it up while you can. Just remember, your days are numbered. Strength in numbers. XOXO, cunt. -Lee

◾ 8th January 2018

1:57 PM - I've been silent for too long. Not sure who's even listening anymore, but I'm done running. It's time to come back. Keep an eye out. -Lee

◾ 20th January 2018

3:52 AM - Well I'm drunk and cleaning up footage for the incoming upload (trips to Purgatory are always a pain) so might as well just reach outto you guys. AMA or whatever

3:59 AM - Some cheap-ass whiskey that Steve bought. Idk. Hard to read the label right now

4:12 AM - Probs should've specified I'm beligerantly drunk

◾ 29th January 2018

2:01 AM - The Others is uploaded with the accompanying tweet - https://youtu.be/gjAGQ8ddJIo The events of early 2016

◾ 8th March 2018

2:43 AM - Steve is uploaded and is tweeted about not long after


8:00 PM - Apr 1, 2017

10:21 AM - Apr 1, 2017

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10:21 AM - Apr 1, 2017

10:21 AM - Apr 1, 2017

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