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Totheark is the only person in the Marble Hornets ARG that appears to be involved with The Ark. He or she never directly states what it is, where it is, but the audio in several of the videos seems to imply they want Jay to lead them to it. As stated in the Marble Hornets Wiki page, the person, group or even entity behind the YouTube channel hasn't been revealed yet. Based on recent footage it is speculated that Totheark is Hoody.

A potential theory is that "The Ark" is some form of acronym for a name, however who it would be is entirely debatable.

A relatively popular theory that Alex is "The Ark," followed the acronym theory: Alex R. Kralie. However, this theory has been proven wrong by Jay, stating Alex's middle name doesn't start with an 'R'. Furthermore, in Entry #79, Jay finds a note saying: BENEDICT HALL: FIND ALEX AND THE ARK, stating that Alex and the Ark are separate beings.

Other Theories include The Ark being a place where one is safe from The Operator, a repository of knowledge (similar the ark of the covenant), particularly knowledge concerning the Operator and possibly how to escape him or defeat him, or one of the two "Ark"s from The Old Testament, Noah's Ark or The Ark of the Covenant (or at least takes its name from/or is related to them).

In the end, however, The Ark was never directly stated to be found. Tim and Jay never show themselves finding it and thus it appears it will remain uncertain exactly what The Ark is.

The Ark

The Ark is a location, object, person, or group that is referenced multiple times throughout several ARGs relating to the Slender Man Mythos. The actual existence of The Ark is unsure, as to what it is, why it is there, and how it has come to be are uncertain. Why it is of great importance to Slender Man isn't certain either, nor is how to find it or what it is capable of.

Due to the very limited nature of The Ark, little can be factually stated beyond concepts and assumptions. The ark can be found in 2 other slenderverse series such as EverymanHYBRID:

"Between the two videos, EverymanHYBRID has given more information, but due to the nature of Marble Hornets staying away from involvement with other ARG's, it may be different there. EverymanHYBRID seems to show that The Ark is a totally different dimension where time passage is off, clocks don't work, electrical equipment that doesn't have batteries has failed, water causes harm to humans, there are no people, and it can be assumed the Rake has full and complete access to it. Due to this video being a video randomly posted outside of the EverymanHYBRID videos it can be either considered from the future or non-canon, however how the footage could have gotten recovered from The Ark isn't explained. One theory that could also coincide with the video is that it isn't our EverymanHYBRID crew, but another crew from another universe."

and it can be found in TribeTwelve:

"In Tribe Twelve's video 'Bridge To Nowhere', Noah Maxwell is transported into the Ark, where he is stalked by HABIT from a distance. This seems to imply that the Ark is HABIT's domain, which is supported by his statements : "Yeah, let's run from him in his own house", and "I don't remember letting you in."

Origin and History

The channel was created on July 22, 2009, almost a month after MarbleHornets was created. Founded by an unknown entity (commonly guessed to be Hoody and/or Masky), they respond to the MarbleHornets videos, their first being a response to Entry #9.

Totheark has hacked the MarbleHornets account twice, with Entry #### and entry #37.


In one of night mind marble hornets explained video's he notes that different types of videos could have been made by different people; the types of videos were: the black and white video's, the red videos Ect.

Videos using old crack camera footage is ToTheArk way of talking directly to Tm.

The red videos are also made by ToTheArk.

The videos that are in real life (the ones in the woods/of the guys/ Ect) were possibly made by hoodie and masky.

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