Linnie aka The dead girl

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The body discovered in Cops Checked, No Body by Jeff and Vince. It appears to be the corpse of a young woman in a blue striped hoodie, although due to the hood being drawn up over her face, her identity is currently unknown. According to a post on the EverymanHYBRID Twitter account, she was not identified as being Jessa by any of the crew (most notably by Jeff, who is/was Jessa's boyfriend). Upon closer inspection, it was revealed that the body bore significant wounds, notably on its wrists; it is speculated that these wounds were either self-inflicted, or that the flesh was viciously torn open by an unknown assailant. The body was found holding a note in its hand, which was eventually removed by Jeff. Immediately after the note's removal the camera pans away, and the crew encounters The Rake for the first time.

At the time the speculation was high that the wounds had been inflicted by the Rake. After Alex finally showed his wound pattern to the audience it became clear that this was indeed the case. Alex later confirmed that the entity seen in "Cop Checked" was indeed the same entity that he had seen in his room, making Dead Girl a confirmed victim of the Rake.

At the beginning of the video Ashen Waste, Vince reads the note from the Dead Girl's hand, revealing that it was a letter from Linnie, addressed to an unknown person, detailing Linnie's trip east to find the EMH crew. Also on the note were the coordinates for Box #3. Many speculate that the Dead Girl is herself Linnie. In the Corenthal Journal Dated 11-12-1990 Dr. Corenthal recounts a dream that he had about Linnie's death. The circumstances of the death in the dream match closely to the death of The Dead Girl, but the time frame is off by 20 years.

By the title of the video in which Dead Girl appeared it can be assumed that after the initial discovery, the girl's body was never recovered by the police. It has been confirmed by the boys that they called the police, but they found nothing on the scene.

The first mention of Linnie occured in the video "Reunion.". Her name was the signature on note found by Jeff, Evan and Vince in the burned out shell of Jeff's school. The connection was very quickly made to a letter mentioned in the Rake creepypasta, which was also addressed to Linnie.

Later, during the events shown in Cops Checked, No Body, a note was found clutched in the hand of the Dead Girl that was revealed to have been written by Linnie. That letter (the contents of which were finally revealed to the audience in Ashen Waste) detailed Linnie's intention to travel east and contact the EMH crew. It mentions specifically that she had slept the night before in the Logan Inn, a historic inn in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. It has been speculated that the Dead Girl is herself Linnie, but this has not been confirmed. In the Corenthal Journal Dated 11-12-1990 Dr. Corenthal recounts a dream that he had about Linnie's death. The circumstances of the death in the dream match closely to the death of The Dead Girl, but the time frame is off by 20 years.

A set of coordinates were left in Alex's closet (shown in the video Business Cards on a Plane) that led to a bag in the woods near Jim Thorpe, PA. Inside that bag was yet another letter addressed to Linnie, signed by William, a name also mentioned in the original Rake story. Jim Thorpe is approximately an hour north of the Logan Inn. These two facts together lead many to believe that the bag belonged to Linnie.

The Corenthal Letter dated 10-27-1981 reveals that a Linnie was a patient of Dr. James Corenthal, taken in sometime after he and his wife had adopted the Mining Town Four. Unlike the other Fairmount children, she didn't come from Centralia (the letter mentions "horrible New York attacks") and doesn't seem to display the same sort of symptoms as the others (her "personal demon" is "more feral", according to the letter). The letter also mentions that Corenthal is taking her east in an attempt to save her from the fate of the Mining Town Four, who have "sucummed". A brief mention in the Corenthal Letters dated 7-22-1995 and 7-23-1995 indicates that she managed to escape whatever happened to the other Fairmount children.

Whether this Linnie is the writer of these letters or another iteration (A/N: I will cover it soon) is unknown at this point.

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