"The Event", the Journal and Scriniarii

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According to the Observer on Formspring, there was a significant event involving the Administrator and the Collective that took place in the 20th century, during World War II. This event was not documented by historians.

The Observer has stated that there were several witnesses and accounts of the event, but all those who witnessed the event were "exterminated", and all but one document of the event was destroyed: the journal of a Nazi soldier named Sebastian Kraus. The Observer says that the journal was a "form of memory" of this event and it holds "forbidden knowledge". When asked what this forbidden knowledge is, the Observer simply says that "the Nazis knew more than you think they did".

The journal is currently in Karl Maxwell's possession. Karl possibly found it in an encounter with the Administrator during his service in the OSS, the United States' anti-Nazi intelligence organization. As of the video "SCRINIARII" it is in possession of a entity named Scriniarii.

In "Severance", HABIT says that he was working with the Nazis in some kind of experiment involving the Administrator, the Collective and Sebastian Kraus, the author of Karl's journal. It is not clear what this experiment was nor what the results were, but it is known that the contents of the journal are extremely important; so important that it possesses the ability to ward off the Collective.

Karl's journal is being actively sought by the Collective. The Observer wants Noah to bring the journal to the boardwalk at Victor Park. The journal is somehow related to the Nazis, and the Observer says that "they knew more than we thought they knew". The journal apparently contains "forbidden knowledge".

According to the Observer's responses to several questions on Formspring, the journal, belonging to Karl Maxwell, was written by a man named Sebastian Kraus, who was a Nazi soldier at the time of writing. Sebastian was one of the few witnesses to a big, unknown event that was not documented by historians, and most likely involved the Administrator and the Collective that the Observer belongs to. Sebastian is, according to the Observer, long deceased.

According to HABIT in the video "Severance", he revealed that he was "working" with the Nazis in a unknown project (probably the unknown event related to the Slender Man) and Sebastian was into this project too.

The journal as shown by Scriniarii

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The journal as shown by Scriniarii

According to Firebrand in "INTERCEPTION", the journal is "in an old ammunition box...along with some other items".

Recent evidence suggests that Sebastian may have been the Nazi soldier that Karl and his unit encountered in 1944, and according to Mary Asher, the journal belonged to a Nazi soldier and was written in German. It also seems that Deadhead, member of the Collective, had been stalking Sebastian.

Noah has said that he has tried to get the journal from his grandfather, who wouldn't give it to him. Noah compared it to "not giving up his trash to the garbage man".

It is also known that some members of the Collective are unable to get close to the journal, which is why the Observer wishes for Noah to retrieve it.

In the video "SCRINIARII", the journal is shown in the possession of the entity known as Scriniarii, who also posted an image of the journal to the TribeTwelve subreddit.

In the video "Sisyphus", the journal is shown to be in the hands of a future version of Noah.

Scriniarii is the handle for a mysterious user in the TribeTwelve subreddit. Scriniarii joined Reddit around two/three months before the video "SCRINIARII" was released. After joining the subreddit, Scriniarii posted a number of cryptic posts seemingly entailing some sort of 'archive'. Regular users and administrators of the subreddit accused the user of gamejacking and being an imposter pretending to be affiliated with Noah Maxwell. Following the confirmation that scriniarii was indeed a canon character, the TribeTwelve subreddit engaged in a lockdown of information regarding the account. Not much is currently known.

It seems that Scriniarii and Firebrand have some sort of connection that is seen in "SCRINIARII", which may indicate that he is not a human, but rather a member of the Collective. However, it is currently unknown whether or not this is the case.

One of the files discovered in Scriniarii's messages and in the secret videos (see "1.1", "1.2" and the SCRINIARII Code) shows that Scriniarii has knowledge pertaining to the Order, since the file released was the second page of the East Coast Assembly Manifest, containing detailed information about Henka Visæ, a high-ranking member of the cult and recruiter of Mary Asher, mother of Milo.


◾ Scriniarii's posts and actions are fully elaborated on in "The SCRINIARII Code".

◾ Before his first in-series appearance, Scriniarii had made several posts and messages on Reddit and the TribeTwelve Discord.

◾ His first video appearance was in "SCRINIARII", posted by Firebrand.


◾ "Scriniarii" is Latin for "archivist"

◾ Every post Scriniarii made on the subreddit read the same message, "I am scriniarii. You are sensum. You are required. The loop must be maintained. The sensum will take the keyword and submit it to the archive."

         ◾ "Sensum" is a Latin phrase with multiple meanings, among them "sense", "understanding", and "meaning".


A comparison of Noah and Scriniarii's beanies

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A comparison of Noah and Scriniarii's beanies

◾ In his first appearance, Scriniarii appears to be wearing the same beanie as Noah does in a section of DEUS EX MACHINA. Whether or not this means that he will give it to Noah sometime in the future or If Noah is wearing a whole different beanie is unknown.

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