The Marble Hornets timeline part 5 (still on season 2)

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3:20 PM: Continuing to look through the external hard drive. At least I'm not having to fumble with tapes very much right now.

• Friday, July 15, 2011:

• 2:05 PM: Stayed up all night looking through the external hard drive. Entry #44 will be posted tonight after I try to sleep.

• 9:43 PM: Entry #44 is uploaded.

• 10:16 PM: Entry #44:

• Saturday, July 16, 2011:

• 3:35 PM: @LadySuccubusGod tweets: @marblehornets Was Alex awake when the Operator go by in the room the 1st time? I couldn't tell if he was blinking since it was kinda blury

o 4:47 PM: Jay replies: @LadySuccubusGod Looks like his eyes are open to me.

• Friday, July 22, 2011:

• 6:28 PM: I don't know why I'm surprised to find footage from different cameras on the external hard drive. Makes sense Alex may have more than one.

• Saturday, July 23, 2011:

• 4:52 PM: Think I found something. If it's what I think it is, Entry 45 will be posted tonight.

• 5:18 PM: @Nick22490 tweets: @marblehornets Did TTA respond to entry 44?

o 5:20 PM: Jay replies: @Nick22490 Not yet, no. Don't know what to make of that.

• 9:47 PM: Entry #45 is uploaded.

• 10:21 PM: Entry #45:

• Sunday, July 31, 2011:

• 1:31 AM: It's getting even harder to keep the footage from Alex and the footage from me straight.

• Monday, August 1, 2011:

• 9:39 PM: Finding a lot of footage of me tailing Alex without him knowing it.

o 9:42 PM: @ItsMogkiKupo replies: @marblehornets sure about that? He might well have known, you know. Leading you into a trap. I don't trust him.

o 9:42 PM: Jay replies: @ItsMogkiKupo Who knows. I guess I'll find out soon enough.

• Tuesday, August 2, 2011:

• 11:09 AM: Entry #46 will be posted later tonight.

• 8:17 PM: Entry #46 is uploaded.

• 10:07 PM: Entry #46:

• Wednesday, August 3, 2011:

• 4:54 PM: By my reasoning, after Alex grabbed the tape from me, I took the key as I ran out just to have SOMETHING. Not 100% sure, of course.

• Monday, August 15, 2011:

• 7:51 PM: Classified is uploaded.

• Thursday, August 18, 2011:

• 9:22 PM: Entry #47 is uploaded.

• 10:37 PM: Entry #47:

• Thursday, August 25, 2011:

• 2:33 PM: Having trouble sleeping again. More so than usual, I mean.

• Tuesday, August 30, 2011:

• 3:24 PM: There's a LOT of footage of me just tailing Alex. So far, it looks like he didn't notice me.

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