Chapter 13: Jason's POV

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On the ride to the clothing store, I looked out the window and saw a girl with medium long black hair, black eyeshadow, and plum lipstick on. She looked like she wasn't from around here. Then I saw a guy with her. They were a cute couple. We stopped at the red light. I spoke up.

"Hey, Damien, pull over for a sec." I tell him sternly.

"Okay, Jason." he says as we pull over.

I get out of the van and walk over toward the young couple.

"Hey, do you two need a ride?" I ask politely.

"Yes we do. Thanks for asking. Come on, Sara." the guy says to me with a smile.

"Okie, Shaughn, let's go." says Sara with a small smile.

We all get in the van and drive to the clothing store. I get out, get Jo Elma a lot of clothes, and head back to the van.

"Damn, did you buy enough clothes for her, Jason?" Lil Twist asks me with a chuckle.

"I damn sure would fucking hope so." I tell him while laughing a little bit.

"Who are you talking about?" Shaughn and Sara ask in unison.

"Oh, uhh, just my soon to be girlfriend. Her name is Jo Elma Taylor . You know her?" I ask them.

"I do. She's my best friend. She went missing. Did you kidnap her?" Sara asked me with concern.

"No he didn't, but I did." Ryan pops up and says.

"But why?" Shaughn asks him.

"Because that's what I do best." he says to Shaughn with a smirk.

"I honestly didn't know he did it. I was at home when he called me and told me that he kidnapped her. I used to do that, but not anymore." I say to them with a frown.

"Can I see her please?" Sara asks me, on the verge of tears.

"Yeah, sure. Just don't mind the wound on her arm. I damn near killed the person who did that." I tell her.

"Okie. Thanks. I just wanna know that she's okay, you know?" she says to me.

"I understand." I say to her with a smile.

From there, we all ride to my house. We park the van in the driveway. The girls are already here from what I see.

"Well, y'all ready, Jason? The three of you?" Damien asks me.

"Yeah let's go you two." I say to them calmly.

The three of us get out and walk toward my mansion. I unlock the door and head inside. Chantelle pops up and smiles.

"You girls can go now." I tell her.

"Alright. Natalie, Victoria, Rachel, let's go. Jason's back." she says.

They all get up and head out. I close the door behind them and tell Shaughn and Sara to stay in here as I look for Jo Elma.

Oh what a day this has been. It looks like I get to house them here as well until they find a place. I thought as I open the door to Jo Elma's room.

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