Chapter 23: Jason's POV

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"No, baby come back to me. Don't black out on me. Jo Elma, please." I scream as she blacks out on me.

I hold her closer to me, hugging her. I pick her up bridal style and run and lay her down on the couch. I call my personal doctor and tell him what happened.

"I'll be right there, Jason." the doctor says to me over the phone.

"Thank you, doctor." I tell him before I hang up the phone.

As I wait for the doctor, I go upstairs to the nearest bathroom and run a wash rag under cold water. I wring it out and go back downstairs. I place it on her forehead. I start to worry about how long before she wakes up. I hear the doorbell ring, so I get up to answer the door. The doctor and I say our greetings and we head back to where Jo Elma still lay unconscious.

"So, tell me what exactly happened, Jason? Do you know why she blacked out?" the doctor asks.

"Well, doc, we were talking and I asked her how she felt. She struggled with her words at first, but she finally admitted that she felt upset and suicidal. I asked her what happened to her in the past and why she was feeling that way and she started shaking, so I ran to her and held her in my arms. I screamed as she blacked out. I didn't know what to do so I set her on the couch and then I called you." I tell him as I start tearing up.

"She had a seizure, Jason. It's most likely due to stress and does she have PTSD?" the doctor asks me.

"Yeah she does, but she won't tell me why or how she got it." I tell him honestly.

The doctor grabs the wash rag off her head and lightly shakes her. She moans and she slowly opens her eyes. I smile at her. She lightly smiles back.

"What happened? Why is there a doctor here?" she asks me curiously.

"I called him because I didn't know what to do when you blacked out on me." I tell her with tears welling in my eyes again.

"Don't cry, baby. I'm here." she says to me as she tries to sit up.

She falls back onto the couch and she tries again without success to sit up. She looks so fragile. She looks at the doctor with a sad look.

"What's the matter?" he asks her.

"Why am I so weak? Why can't I sit up? I'm hurting in my chest. I... I..." she says, bursting into tears.

"Baby, it's gonna be okay. I'm right here for you every step of the way." I say to her as I go around to her and hug her.

She hugs me back and sobs. She's so upset. I wanna do something, but I don't know what to do. I start thinking and I get up and make her her favorite meal: macaroni and cheese.

"Are you cooking mac and cheese?" she yells.

"Yes I am, baby. I love you." I yell back at her.

"I love you too." she yells back at me.

As I wait for the water to boil, I go back in the living room to see her sitting up. The doctor does his examination and smiles.

"She's okay now. She will need to take it easy for a few days after that seizure. If she has another one, tap her face or lightly shake her after she stops shaking. That's the best thing to do in that type of situation. I'm going to go home now. If you need me, don't hesitate to call me." he says as he gets up to leave.

"Thank you, doctor. And I will." I tell him as I open the front door for him to leave.

I go back into the kitchen to check to see if the water is boiling and it is. I pour the macaroni noodles into the pot and stir them in. I go back to the living room to check on Jo Elma. She is sitting on the couch, watching "Forensic Files" on the TV. I head back into the kitchen to finish dinner. I strain the noodles after 10 minutes of cooking. Then I make the cheese sauce and pour the noodles into the cheese sauce and stir it all up.

"Honey, I'm bringing you dinner." I yell at her.

"Okay, baby, thank you." she yells back at me.

"No problem, babygirl." I yell back at her as I get down two bowls and get my serving tray I got just for this purpose to set over her lap. I make her bowl first and put it on the tray. I bring it to her as she smiles and claps her hands like a kid. I laugh and hand her her food.

"Thank you, baby." she says to me with a huge smile on her face.

"Anything for you, baby." I tell her.

"And I'm ready to tell you about my past and what happened to me and why I'm like I am now." she says softly.

I look her in the eyes.

"Are you sure?" I ask her.

"I'm sure." she says to me.

She looks deeply into my eyes as she is about to tell me what happened, the moment of truth.

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