The Audition

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I was astonished! How was I supposed to tell him that I have a crush on his best friend? I was confused and didn't know what to do. Every thought drove to another thought and another. Finally I could conclude that Jake likes me scince first year of highschool, that Derek and him were arguing because Derek  likes me and he knows how much Jake does too, that Derek likes me because he thinks I am just like him, mean and rebeld because I ruined his motorcycle and catched me in detention. Everything makes sense now! I knew evrything I needed to know except for the part of what I am going to do. I don't know what I am going to do! 

I went to my room and fell asleep. My dream was so strange, and Derek wasn't in it.

The next morning I woke up and dressed for school, but this time I tried  harder to look pretty than most of the time. I drove to school and in the way, my mom called  and told me to not go to school today. Actually I was relieved because I could skeep one day of detention and I had more time to think about the Derek, Jake thing. I went back to my house and without asking myself why did I have to go back. I arrived and my mom received with a big smile in her face. "What is going on?" I asked

--You my dear got an audition for American Ballet school!

--Oh my god!

We both started to scream of excitement. The American Ballet School is the best in the city and it is extreamly hard to get in, so I was kind of nervous and excited at the same time. This school is for great dancers and if I get accepted I have chances of being accepted in Julliard for college. The audition was in 30 minutes so I got dressed with my best ballet leotard and my ballet shoes. I got warm with some excercises. I could see that my mom was as happy as me, and this was my chance to show her that I could be a great ballerina without taking lessons. "But you don't have a coreography!" she said.

--Don't worry I'll improvise.

--I hope that you know what you are doing.

--Yes mom I do.

She drove me to my audition and I had to wait there for 15 minutes with a girl. I tried to be nice at her but she seemed to be one of those persons that just care about competition and that are not interested of making any friends.

"Carsey Johanson" I heard someone calling. I stood up in the stage and they played the song the Swan Lake orchestra. I tried to do my best and I think I did. I felt super confidence with my dance and also saw an expression of satisfaction in the evaluaters' eyes when I finished.

"Stefanie Hooksmade" someone called again. the girl who I was sitting next to stood up  "Watch and learn" She said to me.

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