I hung up the phone and after hours of Facebook, I went down stairs for dinner. Mom, dad, and Pam were there with a vanilla cake colorfully decorated that said "Congratulations Cars!". "Your dad buyed it in a bakery and he added tha title, he was sure you were going to get accepted." my mom said with a big smile. I huged and thank everyone. Pam gave me a small bag with a bow. I grabbed a beautiful ballet leotard and new ballet shoes. "These are beautiful! Thanks everyone." That day was almost perfect except because of Derek's fight with Jake.
We ate the cake and laughed util it was time to sleep. I took a quik bath and fall asleep in instants.
The next day was saturday,I woke up, put all my leotards, ballet shoes, ties and put it inside my bag. I went to the American Ballet School like the lady said before leaving. As I arrived, the same lady received me and took me a to a big room of mirror walls and a black smooth floor. "This is going to be your dance room until we tell you to move to another, and thet will not happen if you don't get any better.". She took me to a long hall with lockers and she standed in front of one. "This is yours" she told while she opened it with a key, thsn she gave the key to me, "Did you brought your things?". "Yes." I told her while I was opening my bag. "Well.. put on something appropiate and the rest put in in your locker." Then she left. I dressed with my new leotard and ballet shoes that Pam gave me last night. I got my hair done with a tight pony tail, "Probably they will tell me to make it a bun." I thought but didn'y care a lot. I entred to the dance room and there were Stefani and other six girls. "Hello, I'm Amanda but my friends call me Amy" One of the girls said to me. "Hi, i'm Carsey" I said with a smile, I've always been a very sociable person. "I'm Jenny" another girl said as she shaked my hand. All the other girls intoduced themselves except Stefani. "I'm Aranza." "I'm Regina." "I'm Danielle but call me Danny" "I'm Maggie" "Hi" I said to everyone.
A miss entered the room "Ok ladies everyone on he centre" she said. We all stood super stright in the centre and the miss said "Good, I am Miss Fallin and welcome to my class. I'm going to explain the rules here. The evaluaters chose you because they saw talent on you, but to be here talent is not enough. You must be disiplinated, strong and courageous. If anyone of you refuses to go out to the stage in a show will me expelled, was I clear?" "Yes Miss Fallin" We all answered at the same time.
That school is the most hard school I've ever been in! I am going to class every afternoon from 3:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. My legs are hurting all the time and I have a lot of bruising, but I never complain.
It is so much harder to see Isabella and my other friends and I miss them.
One day when I arrived to school Isabella told me that she missed to pass time with me in the mall shopping and that parties were so much more fun when I was there.
--Yeah I miss everything too much too! But I can't just drop it. This is what I've always wanted since I was six.
--Yes, I know. Sorry if I haven't been supporting you these day and youa are right, this is your dream.
--Thanks Isa.
In the lockers Jake came to me.
--Where have you been all these days? he said to me.
--Nowhere, just dancing.
--Dancing? What kind of dancing?
--In the American Ballet school.
--Ouch! You must be very good.
--I don't know, come to see me and you tell me.
The bell rang. What the hell is going on with me?! Why did I told him that?! Now he was going to see me dancing ballet and he was going to tell Derek. He will not like me any more if he finds out that I dance ballet becausa after all he likes bad girls.

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Teen FictionEveryone says that love is something wonderful, that when you find it it will be the best moment of your life, that you will feel something beatiful, something great, someting that no one can explain, that everyone wants to be in love. The firs thre...