The Old Ballet Building

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When the class ended, I took my stuff and went to home after saying goodby to all of my classmates and of course to Derek and Jake.

I arrived home and took a bath to relax my muscles. "I need a new pair of ballet shoes." I thought because that day I felt them worn.

I put on my pijamas  and I heard the door bell. "I'll go." I said. I went downstairs to open the door, it was Derek. 

"Derek. What are you doing here?" I said when I saw him. He didn't answered my question he just stayed there quiet. In a few seconds, no, in that exact moment I didn't could even figure what he was going to do he just did it. He kissed me! 

After that my eyes were like big blue plates and I didn't know what to say, but Derek was talking like crazy

--Look, I've never met someone like you before. I don't know what happens to me. Everytime I see you, I get so nervous and I don't know why I can't get you out of my head, but all I know is that I want to be with you, so be my girlfriend please!




I couldn't believe that that just happened! He huged me tight with a big smile on his face and oviously I was smiling a lot too. "I'll pick you up tomorrow for school ok?" he siad.

I was so happy. I went to bed and fell asleep. 

The next day I got ready for schoo in the morning and I herad the claxon of a motorcycle,  I saw Derek standing outside the windo waiting for me. I went downstairs and said hi to Derek and he answred with a "Good morning beautiful". I sat on the back of his motorcycle and he told to hold on tight, so I put my arms around him. I was really enjoying the trip until I noticed that we were going in th opposite direction of school. "Where are we going?" I asked him. "You'll see" he answered. I really didn't care a lot if we didn't go to school . I was having the moment of my dreams!

He took me to a milkshake stand. Then he took me to an abandoned buildidng. We both entred and I was surprised for him to take me there,  but I didn't say a word. It was dark and it was almost impossible to see where I were walking. He turned the lights on and I could see an old stage infront of me wtrh doors at the sides.  

I looked inside the doors and there were all ballet rooms. "Why did you take me here?" I asked him.

--Because you like to dance ballet.

--Why do you know this place?

--My mom was a dancer just like you.

--She is not anymore?

--No, she had a car accident 10 years ago and her legs got hurt.

--I'm sorry to hear that.

--Yeah. She used to dance here so I thought that maybe you would like it.

-- Yeah, Its nice.

He told me that that was his secret place where he goes everytime he feels sad or lonely. What people know about Derek Finn is wrong. Maybe he does not very nice things, but he is not bad.

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