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It's about one in the morning now, and those two haven't come back yet; instead they sent a note saying they'll be back really late with items from the list. Tch, great - as if I didn't have enough to worry about. I'm reading, or at least trying to read, more of the Intimacy book. Shitty Glasses gave me a list of basic vocabulary Arlert wrote to help me with the audio tapes; it helps, but I'm still struggling. Eventually I fall asleep with the book in my hand.


"Wake up, mein Kätzchen," a deep voice says. My body shudders awake, and I see that I'm lying on a bed bound by the wrists.

"Hm? Wh-where am I? What the -"

"Do not worry, you are safe."

"Daddy?" I ask quietly.

"Yes, Kätzchen?"

"I need you... Where are you?" I ask in a panic, squirming and tugging on the rope binding my wrists together.

He walks up to the bed. It's Eren in a suit and lab coat looking worried and concerned. "I am here, love, I am here. Did you have a bad dream?" he asks stroking my spine.

I nod, purring. "Bad men took Daddy away from me, and... did things... to us."

"Kätzchen," he sighs pulling me onto his lap and stroking a spot behind my ear. A moan escapes my throat in a deep purr. Not sure if I want him to stop or keep going, I squirm around on his lap and pull on the rope.

"Patience, mein Kätzchen." He moves his hand to the back of my neck, stroking it as well. The shivers make my spine curve, and goosebumps cover my entire body. I'm chewing on the rope, trying even more to loosen it to no avail.

"Do you really want it off, Kätzchen?" he whispers in my ear.

"Yes Daddy," I whimper, feeling helpless yet cared for at the same time. I turn around in his lap and stroke his face with my bound hands. "I want to touch you more."

He hums contently. "Will you be a good boy for Daddy?"

"Yes, Daddy," I say quickly.

"So eager, Kätzchen" he chuckles. I feel my body melting. He combs his hand into my hair and gently pulls my head back. He whispers into my neck, "You sure you want the rope off, Kätzchen? I want to show you what I can do."

I moan and shake as he lightly nibbles my neck. "A-a-a-ah, Daddy, haah! Wh-wh-wha-mmngh-what do-oooh-Daddy please-can I-ah-"

He smirks - dangerously sexy on him - and lays me on the bed. He climbs on top of me, locking eyes, "Keep the rope on for another thirty seconds, and you shall have more of my milk.."

"D-d-d-da-daddy's milk?" I ask openly panting. I nod, licking my lips.

A smile spreads across his face; he leans down and kisses me passionately, moving my bound wrists above my head and wrapping my legs around his waist. I notice none of this - the taste of him making me punch-drunk on lust - until he rolls his hips into mine. I scream, arching my back.

"Yes, Kätzchen. Enjoy yourself," he says rolling into me, holding my hip and bound wrists down in tight grips.

"AH, DADDY! D-d-d-d-dad-d-d-dy mmmoOOOORREE!"

"What was that, Kätzchen?" he teases slowing down

"AH! AAHH! P-Please Daddy, please gimme more," I beg biting my lip.

"Good boy," he purrs rolling his hips harder into me. I scream, my eyes rolling to the back of my head, before feeling the thrusts slow and his thumb caressing my bottom lip. "Say ah, love."

"Ah," I say softly opening my mouth a little.

"You can do better than that, Kätzchen."

"Ah," I say a little louder, opening wider. He slips part of his thumb in, stroking my tongue lightly. I close my mouth surprised, and he pushes his thumb in further.

"I did not say you could close your mouth," he admonishes, "but I shall let it pass this time - this is very new for you right now."

I nod my head and decide to use my tongue to play with him thumb - wrapping it around, moving up and down... I feel naughty doing it, but I must be doing it right if his dark green eyes and quickening thrusts are anything to go by. I feel more blood rushing south hearing him moan, and I want to hear more. I start sucking his thumb and licking it more until he growls, "Enough."

I freeze, letting my new toy slip out of my mouth. "Not bad Kätzchen," he says untying me. "I was wondering when you would let loose. Now stay put, and I shall get your breakfast." He gets up and leaves. I stretch out on the bed rubbing my wrists. I settle into the soft sheets before looking around the room. Even though the room itself is dark, the candles burning low on the walls give it a soft warm glow. I hear the door open and see Eren with a tray of food.

"Um, Daddy?"

"Yes Kätzchen?"

"What does that word mean?"

"It means 'kitten' love," he says smiling wide.

"But why 'kitten'?"

"Why? Because," he explains scratching me behind my ear again, causing me to purr again, "that is exactly what you are - when you feel safe and taken care of, you are an adorable little kitten."


"Do not worry, love. I will take very good care of you. I will not take you or your trust for granted. That I promise," he vows tracing my bottom lip lightly with his thumb.


"Ja, mein Kätzchen?"

"Can I have some of your milk now, please?" I ask shyly. Eren chuckles and stands up. "Get into position, love. Daddy has a lot to give this time."

I get on all fours close to the edge of the bed, face very close to his crotch. I lick my lips as Eren slowly unzips the large bulge between his legs, setting his humongous cock free. I feel mine growing larger at the sight.

"Open wide, mein Kätzchen."

I open my mouth as wide as it could as I watch his fist move back and forth , enjoying his other fingers playing with my hair.


"Daddy, your voice sounds funny."

"Levi, Levi, LEVI-"



I jolt up in the bed almost blinded by the morning sun. I quickly hide the book under the pillow just as Erwin opens the door. "I just woke up. What the hell was all that noise for?"

"They'll be here soon; remember, formal dress," he says before walking out.

"Tch." I climb out of the bed and sit back down, feeling suddenly lightheaded. I take a few deep breaths before standing up slowly, then cursing as I feel something warm drip down my thigh.

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