Chapter 3

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The white clad soldiers of the empire marched down the hall illuminated by dim red lights. One at the front of the group wore an orange pauldron to display his rank of Commander. The squad stops and the commander opens the door to a prison cell. 4 other Stormtroopers push the 4 rebel prisoners into the cell and down the steps. The commander shuts the door and walks off as 2 of the Stormtroopers from the group take their posts outside of the cell as guards.

"Shit." Winen says rubbing his head.

"What now?" Troy asks.

Cadinone looks around and stands up. He helps Malbur to his feet and Troy and Winen help each other.

"Now...we wait." Cadinone says and walks over to a bench and sits down.

"Wait? For what?" Malbur asks as Troy helps him over and they take a seat.

The imperial medics had helped Malbur and Cadinone's wounds. Malbur would still have a hard time walking for a while but the short period of time he was in the bacta tank and the patches he was given helped.

"I know the General, he will break us out." Cadinone says.

General Hot, Colonel Foley and Major Vaughn stood in the command center of their base and Vaughn shakes his head.

"No way. We cannot sacrifice the whole Squadron for a few men. They're just soldiers." Vaughn says.

"They're soldiers." Hot says staring at him.

"Yes sir, but....I think you're being a bit rash. They're good soldiers, I know that. But they knew the risk when they joined." Vaughn says.

"Foley? Do you have anything to add?" Hot asks.

"Well...I think we should wait. Take the time to plan this out. We have to think about the rest of the Squadron as a whole." Foley says.

"You make a point." Hot says nodding.

A few hours go by and the cell door finally opens. The 4 soldiers look up as a Zabrak stood at the entrance. He walks down the steps toward the rebels and the door closes behind him.

"Who the hell are you?" Winen asks.

"Chuck?" Cadinone asks.

"Cadinone..." Chuck says.

"You know each other?" Malbur asks.

"Yes. He was a good friend of mine during the clone war." Cadinone tells them and he looks at Chuck.

"It's been a while." Chuck says.

"Yeah. It has. You were a soldier. An honorable one too. Now what are you? Bounty hunter? That's pathetic." Cadinone says.

"Do you want to get out of here or not?" Chuck asks.

"What do you mean?" Troy asks.

"Come with me." Chuck says and motions for them to follow.

They look at each other and Cadinone looks up at Chuck as he walks toward the door.

"Why should we trust you?" Cadinone asks.

"You trusted me before didn't you?" Chuck asks.

"Yes. But that was a long time ago." Cadinone says.

"My loyalties remain the same. This is just another job. I can't turn my back on my friend though." Chuck says.

Cadinone looks at his men and nod. They follow Chuck up the steps as he knocks on the door and it opens. The guards look at him and the prisoners.

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