Chapter 6

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The imperial shuttle touches down at the base and TK-0747 walks out with Derik and TK-8751 with the new squad members.

"Dim and Kodi will show you to your barracks. If you'll excuse us." TK-0747 tells them and he and TK-8751 walk off with Derik.

Ex and Eric look at each other and shrug as they follow Noa and Kodi.

"Why do you call you Dim?" Ninone asks.

"Because he's not that bright." Kodi says.

"Neither are you." Noa says looking at him.

"I have faster reflexes than you do." Kodi says.

They walk to the barracks and Noa motions toward them.

"You'll bunk here. We're just right next door." Kodi tells them and opens the door.

They walk in and look around. They remove their helmets and Ex walks over toward a bunk on the corner and climbs to the top.

"Called it!" Ex yells.

"This one's mine!" Jesse yells.

"No that's mine!" Marty yells.

Ninone and Grame look at each other and shake their heads as they walk in and everyone gets situated.

Derik walks into the command center with TK-0747 and TK-8751 and they look over at the captain that hands a datapad to an officer.

"Captain." TK-0747 says standing up straight with Derik and TK-8751.

"Ah hello Lieutenant TK-0747, Lieutenant Derik, Sergeant Brandon." The captain nods.

"Why'd you call us here sir?" Derik asks.

"We need to get the rebel threat under control here. If not, Agent Ajax of the ISB and his squad known as Chimera Squad will be called in to handle it." The Captain says.

"Yes Captain Slear ." TK-0747 nods and they all walk out.

Meanwhile, screams filled the halls of the rebel base and 2 young men who stood guard outside of a prison cell look at each other before facing forward again. Inside the cell, General Hot walked around the ISB agent they'd abducted earlier while Colonel Foley and Major Vaughn watched. Troy and Cadinone stood behind the Agent who was sitting in a chair with his hands cuffed.

"I'll....never your primitive....techniques..." the Agent says.

"Again." Hot yells and Cadinone pushes him over in the chair and he hits the ground again and he shoves a soaked rag over his mouth as Troy grabs a bucket of water that say beside him again and starts pouring it on the rag as the agent squirmed on the ground.

"This can stop at any time! All you have to do is talk! If you can't tell us what we want to know, tell us who can! Give us names!" Hot yells.

"Come on Jeremiah! This will all be over if you just tell us what you know about Geonosis!" Foley yells.

"Tell is what you know about the Dark Trooper project!" Vaughn yells

"Enough." Hot says and Troy sets the bucket down and Cadinone sets the Agent back up and removes the rag as he pukes up water and coughs.

"Ok ok!" Jeremiah yells.

"Finally." Hot says.

"I don't know what happened to Geonosis but I know about the Dark Trooper project...." Jeremiah says.

"Tell us what you know." Hot says staring him in the eyes.

Another hour passes and Hot walks out of the cell with Foley, Vaughn and Cadinone. Troy carried the bucket with the rag and they walk down the hall.

"You 2, clean him up and get him something to eat." Hot tells the guards and they nod and walk off down the hall.

"He didn't give us a name. He gave us a nickname." Foley says.

"Doc. That should be good enough. This should be enough to work with. We can work with this. Contact our agent and see if he can't find something at the base." Hot says.

"On it." Vaughn says.

"Uhhh sir..." an officer says looking at a terminal as they walk into the command center.

"What?" Hot asks.

"A star destroyer just emerged from hyperspace. They've began deploying troops." The officer says.

"No..." Hot says and looks over his shoulder at the terminal screen and it showed 7 AT-ATs, 20 AT-STs, 12 ITTs, dozens of speeders, a couple hundred troops and just as many heavily armed and armored droids marching toward the base with Tie Fighters flying overhead.

Hot smashes a red button on the holotable.

"Gryphon Squadron! This is General Hot! The empire is attacking! The fight has finally come! Get ready! We have to fight! This is our time! To your battle stations! Taz, prepare my fighter! Privates Arz, Sarah, Brie, Lance, Duran, and Corporals Burke and Tara, report to the hangar for briefing with Lieutenant Linda! This is not a Drill Gryphon Squadron! Move! Now!" Hot yells and everyone in the base runs through the halls.

Meanwhile, TK-0747 marched with his squad alongside another 150+ Stormtroopers and 2 heavy armored war droids.

"You slacks ready?" Brandon asks the new members of the squad.

"No sir." Jesse says.

"Hell yeah! I was born ready!" Eric says.

"Don't get cocky kid. That'll get you killed." Derik tells him as they march toward the rebel base.

They watch as 15 X-wings with green markings fly out of the hangar and open fire on the troops below before engaging the Tie Fighters. A volley of torpedoes rips apart several groups of droids and troops and 3 AT-STs are shot down and 4 ITTs are ripped apart. Another AT-AT goes down while a U-wing gunship flies out of the hangar.

"You have your mission!" Hot yells from inside the cockpit of Gryphon Leader's X-wing.

"Yes sir!" A young dark skinned woman piloting the U-wing says as it flies away from the battle.

Inside the gunship sat 8 soldiers. A young dark skinned man named Arz, a young man with short black hair named Duran, and a young dark haired woman named Sarah who had never held a blaster until a couple months earlier. They'd never seen action. They were going on their first real mission. Joining them was a man with a tattoo down his left arm with a backwards cap on his head named Lance, a red headed woman named Brie, a woman with short black hair named Tara, and a blonde haired man who was a former imperial Stormtrooper named Burke. Troy also joined them and was leading the mission. The gunship jumps into hyperspace as a battle erupts outside the base between Gryphon Squadron and the attacking imperials.

"Whooo! Move up!" Marty yells as they run through blaster fire toward the base.

They shoot down 2 rebels before moving toward the entrance.

"Ex, Eric, plant the charges on the door." TK-0747 orders and they plant explosives on the door.

They take cover as they rip the door apart and they move into the base.

"Go go!" TK-0747 yells and they shoot 4 rebels dead as they move through the hall.

"Where are we going?" Ex asks.

"You don't listen do you? Detention center!" Ninone tells his brother as he shakes his head.

"Quiet!" Brandon yells.

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