It's All About the Blurb with Wonder Woman

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Hi guys!

Well here it is my very first article eeekkkkk!!!

Where to start?

Okay, basically my piece will be a basic intro into writing a Blurb.




1.     1.

A short description of a book, movie, or other product written for promotional purposes and appearing on the cover of a book or in an advertisement.



1.     1.

Write or contribute a blurb for (a book, movie, or other product)

Why is a Blurb important?

         I believe they are the second most important tool when advertising your story. Sure the cover may initially grab the reader’s attention but they need a reason to actually ‘flip the page’ this is where the Blurb comes into play.

         A lot of writers find writing the Blurb so much harder than writing the story itself, I know I do! I think that because we as writers are so invested in our work and so eager to get it out there that we try to cram as much as we can into our Blurbs. In some cases we are way too vague because there is just too much information so we don’t bother with details.

         Your Blurb is there to capture the reader’s attention giving a brief description of your story and luring them in with words! It tells the reader what your story will promise them, whether it be Romance, Action, Horror, Paranormal or my very favourite Fantasy – Werewolf to be exact!

         Your Blurb is what may very well seal the fate of your story!

         Whenever I’m surfing the different Genre’s on Wattpad (WP) for an interesting read the first thing I look at (other than the cover) is the stories Blurb. Now I’m no expert in the matter but I read a HELL of a lot of books both here on WP and by Published Authors. (I’m sorry NOTHING beats reading a real life, hold in your hands, printed book!)

         Having a poorly written or non-existent Blurb can lessen your reads. Now I know what you’re thinking...

         “Well I’ve read a dozen stories, with over a million reads with a really crappy Blurb.”

         Am I right?

         Perhaps in these cases the reader is looking for a particular story line with certain Key Words; for instance in a Werewolf story the reader may be after a particular style, focusing on words like; Mates; Rejection; Love or Abuse. Now don’t hate on me, yes I did just list the most common words associated with your run of the mill Cliché story. I have nothing against them (I do get sick of reading the same thing though) but they make for a really good example.

         This is a prime example of where your Blurb comes into play! Let’s say you have an amazing, completely original story to share with readers but your Blurb focuses on the Key Words listed above.

         For example Sally’s story has a really great plot with a dark and crazy twist, sure there’s a form of rejection and Mates involved and at some stage in the story the Main Character (MC) is abused in some way but her Blurb consists of the typical cliché story Key Words. Now if she’s targeting the readers who are after something really original she’ll need to make sure her Blurb portrays her story correctly.

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