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hello my lovely readers,

i would just like to apologize for my absence for the past year. like i said before, when your heart just really isn't into to the book, you loose all inspiration to continue writing something that you're really not into. plus, with my two other stories and so many idea popping into my head, it was hard to focus on Taken while other stories where just roaming around my head.

but for the past few months, i have been trying my hardest to attempt to write a chapter for this story and I HAVE!

as soon as i began typing, everything just came back to me and a chapter flowed out of my fingers. i can't tell you how amazing it felt to be writing Jason and Aubrey's story again, and hopefully this inspiration stays in my heart and mind for awhile.

but once again, i am truly sorry for being gone so long. i will try my best to update more frequently this time. i know i may have lost a lot of readers, but i honestly don't blame them. i kept you guys waiting forever and that is my punishment.

anyways, once again, i am so very sorry for my absence, but am really excited to be back! i can not wait until you read the next chapter that will be posted sooner!

i really appreciate you guys and i'm so thankful to have such loyal readers who have stuck by my side for the whole ride. i love you guys. thank you so much.

- sammy

taken Ⅱ [jason mccann] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora