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Guys, I'm going to post two chapters today since I'm feeling nice and want you guys to wonder about what will happen after Chapter Nine !

[ A U B R E Y ]

I stepped out of the car as it sat parked in the valet lane. Nolan grabbed my hand as I looked up and saw the sign Ramon's written in big letters. Many important people stepped out of luxury cars and showed off their money as if they were better than everyone else.

Ramon's was a very expensive restaurant in Beverly Hills. I've been here times before but only for special events. Like my mother's birthday or my father's promotion at the hospital or my cousins bridal shower. "Ever ate here before?" Nolan asked as we walked together into the restaurant.

"Yeah a couple of times before. What about you?" I asked while we walked towards the hostess's podium.

"Nolan! How good to see you my boy!" a man in a chefs hat, who I presume is the chef, said as he walked by and headed to the kitchen.

Nolan let out a chuckle and stuck his hand into his pocket "I guess you could say I've been here many times before." Nolan answered, causing me to laugh. Nolan and I walked up the hostess, who greeted us politely and asked for Nolan's name. "Nolan Patterson." he answered.

"Oh yes sir, your table is ready." she smiled and grabbed menus before walking away and leading us to the table. Nolan immediately opened the chair for me to sit down and I smiled and thanked him before I sat down. Nolan took a seat across from me and the hostess left the menus for us before walking away.

"What is your favorite meal here?" Nolan asked as his eyes scanned the menu.

"The sushi, it's absolutely wonderful." I moaned and smiled before closing the menu and lacing my fingers together and putting them in my lap.

"That's mine too." Nolan chuckled and closed his menu also. We placed our menus on top of each other before creating a conversation. It was awkward every time it grew silent, it was like we had to keep talking the entire time or else it would be one horrible date.

The waitress came and took our orders then quickly came back with our food. Nolan and I created small talk; mainly talking about our college courses, what made us take those courses, and remembering our high school memories. "I also remember when you dated David." Nolan raised and eyebrow with a teasing smirk on his face.

I groaned and threw my head back "Oh please don't remind me about that. Me and him were such a mistake." I stated and took a sip of the champagne that was served to me.

"How? You use to really like the guy." Nolan chuckled and fumbled with the napkin in his lap.

"I don't know..." I titled my head and began to stare at the floor. "I did really like him. I use to think I loved him. But something in me tells me I didn't know what love was at the point of time in my life. I said I loved him but the truth was, I just had really strong feelings for him." I stated, my brown eyes meeting his crystal blue ones.

Nolan nodded his head and placed his elbows on the table, standing his arms up and began to speak. "I understand what you're saying. You thought you loved him but they were just strong feelings, they weren't love they were more of a like."

"Exactly." I nodded my head and a smile grew on my face, feeling better that he understood what I was feeling. A smile grew on Nolan's face and an awkward silence grew in the room. I immediately grew uncomfortable and cleared my throat. "So-uh-I know I already asked this but what really made you transform? If you don't want to tell me I completely understand. I just want to know what made you change yourself." I asked, waving my hands.

taken Ⅱ [jason mccann] Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora