chapter 2

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i was trying to open my eyes when i heard a voice saying " hello! , do you hear me , move or open your eyes if you can hear me" I Finally opened my eyes and everything wasn't clear at first but then i realized that i'm surrounded by some people who i don't know wearing white.

 i didn't recognize anyone of them and i don't remember what happen and why i'm here and why they're looking at me like that 

 " Am I Dead?"i asked , i don't understand anything. why are they staring at me

 "No, You are not dead but you made and accident and you lost your memory and i'm your doctor, i'm sorry for telling you that but i have to , you've been in a coma for two weeks" the doctor said trying to explain to me who he is and why i don't remember anything, trying to explain why i'm clueless.

 "Do you mean that i forgot everything!?" i asked, i can't believe he must be kidding! 

 "Do you remember anything?! What's your name?" The doctor asked, and i tried to remember 

 , of course i have a name,why i'm not saying it! wait wait it must be there in any place in that big head " uh-uh my name is- i know it but i just can't remember" i tried to say my name, i can't believe the words that came out of my mouth 

"Relax, it's Okay you're going to remember everything.. but you just need sometime.. you need some people to remind you of how you used to act, what's your favorite color, what you used to eat, what you like , what you don't like! things like these" the doctor said and i was feeling pain in my head a bad headache

"Okay, where's my family! are they waiting for me outside or you're going to call them to come for me"

i asked , i wanted to see them I wanted to remember everything why i'm here where i'm what's my name "I'm sorry but, when you made the accident the only one who was with you is the one who crashed you by his car, i'm gonna call him to come" the doctor said leaving the room

he must be crazy, of course that boy is going to be on of my family or even my friends. the door opened and a woman came " how's you today?" she asked putting and removing thing from my hand

her name is Alex, i didn't know,  that was written on her clothes " I'm Fine" i tried to smile but i think i failed " Don't worry everything is going to be okay, I'll be your nurse here" she said trying to make me feel better

she left me there thinking about everything "Hey beautiful, i called him and he said that he's coming" The doctor came into the room saying.

"Doctor the officer is waiting outside, he's asking for a  permission to talk to the girl, should i let him in " a nurse said and the doctor looked at me and i nodded.

The officer Came in the room and the doctor talked with him for a while about , whatever i wasn't paying attention because of the killing headache in my head.

But at least i knew something 'doctors wear  white and hospitals are very clean '   information to the empty brain.

The Doctor exit the room leaving me and the officer alone, the officer walked to my bed,

" i know you're clueless about what happened and that you don't remember anything, but i just wanted to know if you wanna write a report, if you want to write it we can start now but before we start just let me tell you that the person who crashed you by his car said that, he's going to pay for everything related to the hospital and some people who were there at the place of the accident said that you were running so fast and you weren't paying attention to the traffic light but we still can write a report" the Officer explained, and i really didn't know what should i do , should i  agree on writing a report or should i just be grateful that i still a live, not to mention that i lost my memory.

"No, thank you, i don't want to make any troubles and i think i should be grateful that i still alive and it wasn't his fault after all , it was mine" i told the officer and he smiled then left the room.

So Now that i don't know anyone or anything about my life , How i'm going to live? where i'm going to live? who will take care of me? this is bullshit! this can't be happening.

someone knocked on the door distracting my thought  

"Come in" I said getting a bit excited , expecting that i would see someone who i related to, but guess i'm wrong. 

the door opened and i saw 5 boys standing there looking at me, but i didn't recognize them either , great. that day can't get any worse.

"Hey, I'm Really sorry for that troubles i caused to you, but don't worry i'll pay for everything and i'm gonna stay with you until you get your memory back, and thank you for telling the officer to leave me, but i know it's my fault" a boy with a black hair said , wow is that the one who crashed me by his car! 

"you're the one who hit me!" I asked , No One has told me that the jerk who crashed me by his car is very handsome!

 "No it's Okay you don't have to feel sorry for me because actually it's my fault not yours, i'm the one who wasn't paying attention to the traffic light... you don't have to apologize" I said, it wasn't really his fault.

 " How are you now?" a boy with a brown eyes and brown hair asked , getting closer to the bed.

 " yeah, i'm good" I simply replied

 "I'm Zayn , And this is Liam , Louis , Harry and Niall"  the black haird boy said introducing them.

 "Get Well Soon" The One With a curly hair said , i don't remember his name.

 "Everything is going to be Okay, The Doctor said that, it will take some time to get your memory back but we're not going to leave you don't worry" the blond boy said walking to the bed.

 I nodded, i don't know what should i say "What about my leg!, when i'm going to remove the plaster cast" i asked , yeah , i have a broken leg.

 "The Doctor said after 2 weeks, i'm really sorry, i know how much i fucked up your life" The Black haired boy who's supposed to be Zayn, i guess said, Concern in his eyes.

 "It's Okay , I'm Fine" I said avoiding eye contacts 

 The doctor came in into the room "You can leave after a week, but for now you're gonna stay here in the hospital to make sure that your condition is stable" the Doctor said informing us.

 the boys said their pity words then left the room. 

 and i was left there thinking about how i'm going to deal with all that shit. 


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