Chapter 9

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  • Dedicated to Nada Kamal

Please don't forget to read the author's note at the end of the chapter IT'S IMPORTANT... Enjoy ;)

Darcy's P.O.V:

I woke up to the sound of birds singing a beautiful melody, their voices soft and relaxing ,my head pressed to a hard chest ..Zayn's bare chest, I open my eyes to see his arms around my small body holding me in place and my hands on both of his shoulders.I never thought the grumpy Zayn Would look like an angle in his sleep. I think It's afternoon and not morning, I tried to move from his grasp but he shifts in his sleep so i just stayed like that so  i don't wake him up. And now that I won't get up and i'm stuck in his arms, my eyes roaming over him , first studying his flawless face , his mouth open is silently in slumber and his eyes closed tightly , he hasn't shaved for days because his beard is long and eyes move to his chest taking of every tattoo on his body moving my fingers over them softly , he murmured something but i couldn't put my hand on it, it was someone's name , my hands then moved to his arm which is covered in tattoos , my fingers tracing the details of every tattoo, i try to figure out what every one of them means but I'm clueless  , i know nothing , i just have an empty brain , maybe i should ask him when he wakes up. As i'm looking at his arms admiring all the art on it , I feel a breath tickling my hair.I look up to meet his eyes but they were closed , uh he's not up yet   , I mentally say. I return my eyes to his arm but they tighten their grip on me once again his breath tickling my hair making it blow in the air, I look up to meet his eyes again but they are closed. I come near his ear then begging to whisper his name to see if he's awake or not. "Zayn , you awake?!" I say in a low voice but he doesn't move or say anything. I move my face slowly against his chest and then press my ear to it so i can hear his heart beat... well it's beating so he's alive.

"Morning" His sleepy thick voice bring my eyes to meet him.a perfect smile on his face.

"Good Morning" I say not moving my gaze away from him. 

" So do you like the tattoos?"He says in a perfect sleepy voice which is becoming my favorite sound.He's so Cute. He has been awake during all the time , well how embrassing. I bet those stupid cheeks are blushing right now. i look away In attempt to hide the blush , but it was useless anyway , there's a smirk on his face now.

"What are you thinking about?" 

"about the tattoos ,I was just wondering what everyone of them means to you." I smile still blushing i know.our bodies still touching , his hands still tightly wrapped around my waist and i don't know what should i do with my hands so i just let them rest on his hard chest.

" Do you care?" He says , no emotion on his face , i stare a little trying to read him but he was putting on a perfect poker face. I don't know what he means , i just wanted to know what they mean or what they refer to , it seems interesting. He was looking direct in my eyes waiting for me to speak , i don't know if i really care or not but he's mysterious , i feel like i have to find out who he really is beside finding who I am. I feel like he's lost or something in another world , and i don't know much about him, he never talk much, think it's because of what i heard about him and his girlfriend and that break up thing, but who am I to judge him..

I open my mouth to answer his earlier question ,but I'm interrupted by the door bell.I close my mouth again and we just stare at each other for a moment before we hear the second ring and he unwraps his hands , gets out of bed not bothering to put on a t-shirt and walks out of the room without a second glance.

I remove the covers , letting a breath out i didn't know i was holding.I try to find my crutches not getting out of bed , but then i remember that Zayn Carried me to my room yesterday leaving my crutches in the living room , too bad i can't walk without it.

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