chapter 14

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after Darcy has left , I couldn't stop myself of thinking about how last night was a fucked up night , but the kiss made up for the night, made up for her tears , for my anger , it has made up for so much, I regret screaming and shouting at her but I felt alive doing it. It made me realise that I was shut down inside and I was lost. The kiss we shared last night brought back the fire in me.

It felt a bit foreign , it felt as if a soul full of life and fire poured the fire and kicked some feelings into an antiquated empty damaged soul. It felt as if new poured some colours into old.

I wonder if she has felt the same thing , I wonder if I'm the only one who has felt like this not Nate or anybody else , I wonder if her kisses is just like this passionate and full of life and fire , it's hard to describe it but it has kicked some sense in me.

I walk into the room getting in a black turtle neck , black leather jacket and a black pants to match with it . Getting my car keys and my wallet . I close the door , get into the car and hit the road

Today I was going to meet one of my cousin's friends that happens to be working at the central information, I was going to give him a picture of Darcy , her height, weight and the only things I know about her which are not enough because I basically know nothing.

I wanted to give it a try because maybe they knew something about her , even if it's just her name or her nationality . Maybe some of her relatives has called to report her disappearance, I hope so.

I park the car in front of the building and get out of it walking into the building . I walk straight to the reception as I spot a lady sitting in front of a computer

"Hello! I'm Zayn Malik and I'm here to meet Mr. Anderson for some informations" I say clearly and her eyes widen at how professional my tone is .

"Yeah , Mr. Malik . Mr. Anderson is waiting for you. You just need to take the lift , he's on the fifteenth floor then you are going to make a right then a left and his PA will take you to his office immediately" she says

"Thank you" I make my way to the lift and get in it , I waited impatiently until the door opend and did as she said , a right then a left then I became face to face with a tall blonde tanned girl wearing a grey pincle skirt and a creamy coloured blouse, I guess his personal assistant.

"Mr. Malik , please follow me. Mr. Anderson is waiting for you" she spoke before I start reapting my words again and gives me a warm smile , I return the smile .

"Mr. Malik is here to see you" she says

"Let him in please ,Taylor" he says back and she moves out of the door way so I could get in.

"Long time no see , zayn" David spoke, a smile placed on his features

"How is it going , Dav?" I ask , smiling back . I have met David before he's a cool man really .

"It's going great , how's your little piece of shit of a cousin?" He asks in a sarcastic tone , giving me a sarcastic smile.

"He doesn't call , does he?" I ask

" Nah, he does , it's just that he doesn't visit anymore. Just tell that I've missed hanging out with him" he says and I nod , David and javvad have been friends for a long time. "Moving on, what kind of information you need?" He asks , getting back to business.

"There's th-" I was cut off by David's voice but not into a rude way it was in a friendly way.

" before we start , would you like something to drink?" He asks as he presses onto a button and I guess it's an intercom.

"Water is good actually." I answer , I would have asked for a coffee but I already had my coffee back home this morning.

"Send us two water bottles and my usual coffee" he speaks into the intercom.

"Anything else Mr . Anderson" the voice speaks

" no , that's it . Taylor, thank you" he thanked her and then we were back to our conversation " so , go ahead. What is it that you want some information about?"

I clear my throat before I speak again."there's this girl , I have crashed by my car and , she lost her memory and there wasn't anyone with her at the time of the accident so I don't really know who she is and I promised her to get her bavk to her family or whoever she relates too , so I was thinking if you could help me?" I finish of my speech , asking of him to help me.

"Okay , let's just see. do you have a photo of her?" He asks and I hand him the picture of Darcy before he looks at the picture for a minutes and then nods "is there anything on her body noticeable enough that we could add into the file or some belongings like her clother that she wore at the night of thw accident or any accessories?" He asks as he searchs in her drawers for a file.

"Yeah there's a tattoo on her back but I don't have a picture of it and there is that dress she was wearing that night and a necklace" I nod as I fill him with the only informations I know.

"Okay then we need a picture of the tattoo and the dress and shoe she was wearing the other night and also a picture of her necklace" he says and I nod

" is there anything ?" I ask

"No , just that and if she could pay us a visit that would be great ." He says and I nod again smiling as I stand up , to give David a handshake and then leave the building.


Everything was going very slow just before Logan's call , everythinb was painfully slow , everyone was waiting for a single information about her . Zack's uncle (Logan) had called to tell us that he couldn't get a hold of Jack (my best friend's boyfriend) and today he ahs called to tell us that my bestfriend was found dead and burnt.

Who would have known about this, it was all unexpected, I couldn't help the tears , running down my cheeks. If we all know death is inevitable why is it so shocking when someone so close to us dies?

Why do I feel like it'w wrong and I still can't believe it , I'm finding it hard to believe that my best friend is no longer alive , I was supposed to meet her there after a week. The sun is going to rise and shine every single morning without her body but her soul ia going to always rise and shine within every single sunshine.

I would have had a proper goodbye if I knew that I'm not gonna see her again , I would have hugged her a little longer , listen to her talk a little longer , saw her smile more.

I would have said goodbye without expecting to see her again , it would has brought a little less pain , a little less sorrow but I'm here mourning and shocked over her death and it doesn't help, it hurts.

Most of the photos that are hanged up on my wall is of me and her , it's hard to sit in front of these pictures when you knlw the person next to you in the photos is dead , they bring back some beautiful memories with a bitter taste.

They bring nothing but pain.

A/N: hey everyone , sorry if this is short but I wanted to ask you about something. ?

Would you like it if the characters of One direction are famous or infamous because I'm thinking of changing somethings so please tell what do you think .

I'm really sad Zerrie are no longer together but I'm happy for Zayn about his solo career wholeheartedly.

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