Chapter 4

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We were on our way back to my home , when Harry Was telling the girl some stupid jokes and she was laughing.

She's nice but i still don't know anything about her What's Her name? , Where's her family ? Who was running after her? why was she crying? How I'm Going to help her ? it's gonna need some time to figure out everything, a part of my head was thinking about how i'm gonna help the girl and another part was thinking about perrie and about what happened between the two of us, everything is complicated now, i still can't accept the fact that i broke up with perrie

mum is worried about me because of perrie, she also heard about the accident ,she kept calling everyday but i told her that i'm gonna call her when i'm fine, i know that what happened freaked her out but i'm gonna call her today when i get back to my home. 

" We're here" Harry's voice distracted my thoughts and i realized that we're are standing in front of my house and thank god , no paps

We got out of the car and i opened the front door of my house , paul carried the girl ,then i heard harry saying 

" Paul It's My Job"harry said crossing his arms over his chest.

I closed the door and went to talk to my mother, she picked up at the first ring

" Zayn , Is that you , Where are you? Do you know that i'm very worried about you? how could you do that to your mother?" My mother said and i rolled my eyes even though she can't see me, She was very worried.

" Mum , I'm really Sorry, I was in a very bad mood and .. and i think i'm fine now and please don't worry , i'm gonna be fine" I said trying to clam her down

"thank god you're okay , nothing new about perrie?" She asked

"No , I don't know anything about her , and i don't want to talk about it" I said , i really didn't want to talk about it .

"Zayn , I think you should give her a chance maybe she-" I cut her off before she even complete her sentence 

" Mum , Please .. I'm Fine Like that, i don't think if i can give her chance" I said harshly 

"just try please " She begged 


" What about the girl you crashed by your car?" She Asked 

"we've just came home and she's fine , she's gonna stay at my home until i find a way to help her"I informed her

"You gonna keep a girl who you barley know at YOUR home, zayn ? " Mum asked as if she can't believe it 

" What else should i do mum? I'm The one who fucked up her life pretty bad and i'm gonna fix all that shit" I said , i can't leave the girl alone i'm feeling like a jerk for doing that to her

" Okay zayn , as you like , but please promise that you're gonna take care of yourself and that you're going to think about perrie" She said begging me 

" Okay , I get to go, i love you " I said

" I love you too zayn" she said , then i  hung up 

I went to the living room and there where i found them laughing

"have you talked to your mother?" Liam asked looking at me 

I nodded and i felt 3 pairs of eyes on me

" Please zayn promise us that you're going to do your best to get back to the same one you were before" Liam Said and i nodded again their eyes still on my 

" Don't worry , I'll be fine " I assured him

The girl was confused but she didn't say anything at all

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