5. There Happens A Lot On Thursday/Friday

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I hold him really close to me. I didn't want this moment to end. Some girls were staring and took there phone,but I didn't care. A minute later we walked to get noodles.

 When we had our noodles, taehyung payed them even though I told him not to. we walked to a cute park just out of town. We sat down across of each other. When I was eating my noodles I noticed V wasn't eating his so I asked him "hey don't you like them?"

"I do but if I eat I can't see you"
At that moment I could pass out.
"you're stupid just eat your noodles" I said while I was trying really hard to not pass out. He laughed and ate his noodles. "mmmmmhh those are amazing" he said. I looked at him and forgot my food.
"hey! That's unfair" he said
"huh?" I didn't know what he meant.
"you don't eat" he said
I stared at him and laughed. " I'm really sorry"
There was a silence again. We ate our noodles in peace, till I remember that I had to show him something.
"hey" I said he shook. "Ow I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" he interrupted me "it's okay what's up?"
"I have to show you something"
"uhm owkay "
I moved to sit next to him, grabbed my phone, opened my photo roll and showed him a map of 136 pictures, the map was called taebae.
" look... " as I said it I realize how creepy that most have seemed
" Owh gowd I want that to" he stood up, took his phone and started to take pictures of me.
"a Aahhh staph " I said
" No I won't so pose please"
I laughed and did all the poses he does in pictures or just randomly.
A minute later i said that it was enough but he didn't stop so I tried to get his phone, but he ran away. I ran after him. He stopped. I fell over him. ended next to him. He took one picture and did his phone away.

Again I thought people were staring and the same girl was walking by for the 4th time. It made me nervous, not that they could hurt us but still. I asked him what the time was and that we maybe should be on our way to the club. He agreed and we went to the bus stop.

The bus stopped 100 meters away from the hotel. We walked out the bus and V grabbed my hand. We walked the hotel and stopped in front.
"wait I'll call jungkook he normally picks up really fast"
And tae was right, in 2 minutes they all were downstairs in front of us. I could see on isabells faces that she had a great time with them. She looked at me, at my and v's hand, at v and back at me. She giggled and passed us.
"come let's go this way to the bus stop " said Isabell really confident. "uhmmm I think-" said namjoon while he pointed at the opposite direction. "ah you're right" she said and walked the opposite way like nothing happened. She is soo stupid in a funny way sometimes. We sat in the bus like a big group. yoongi, namjoon, Jimin and jungkook sat in the front and constantly turned around, they are so amazing that even a boring bus ride in the dark is soo much fun. There weren't a lot people in the bus. 

At 1.45 am I saw that isabell stopped dancing like she did before, rn it was just jumping 10 cm above the ground.
"are you Okey? " I asked but she didn't understand me
" are you okay?!" I screamed in her ear.
" I've to go home in 15 minutes " I understand after a moment.
" they stay 2 weeks, tae told me" I repeated a few times.
" omggg really?¨ she glew up when she said that. ¨would i lie to you?¨ i said  ¨noo of course you won't omgg i love you¨ she said while she was hugging me. 

she walked away and tapped on the shoulders of all members to say good bye. she hugged them one by one and waved when she disappeared in de crouds.

¨maybe i should be going to¨ i thought to loud. ¨ why?¨ i heard hoseok saying. ¨im really tired and my feets hurt¨ we basically walked all day so hoseok didnt seemed suprised, but apparently was tae listening. ¨maybe we should all go to the hotel and rest?¨ he suggested. ¨ yea¨ i agreed. 

we just left the club when taehyung started counting everyone like we were in kindergarten. he is so hilarious and stupid xdd, i love him so much. We waited at the bus stop and when the bus arrived we stapped in. ¨ how far is your house away?¨jin asked. all their eyes were staring at me. ¨uhmmm¨i didnt want to tell them that i was on my cycle, but i'll pick it up tomorrow. ¨ i guess 30 minutes¨ the bus needs to stop, wait and drive 5 km more than on the bike. It took the bus as long as me and my cycle to arrive at home but the bus seemed saver for now. ¨why dont you stay at the hotel in my room?¨ tae said. everyone looked at him. ¨uhmmm...¨ i didnt know what to say. ¨so thats a yes?¨ he waited a second and looked at my face, my cheecks were like tomatoes. ¨ relax you have your own bed¨he said. ¨i dont care¨ i said ¨ my dad wasnt expecting me home tonight and hes probably sleeping and doesnt want to be woken up¨. the rest of the members seemed proud of tae, like he won a Quiz show.  

When we arrived we went to the hotel room and said G'night to everyone. Me and taehyung shared a room. It was a simple but great looking room. It had 2 beds with a meter between them and everything looked fresh. I was so tired I put of my shoes and pants and went in bed I didn't care if taehyung would see me.

I lay there really soft but it was soo cold. I pulled the blanket all the way up to my face. I almost fell asleep when someone sat on my bed. I look at him "hi are you okay?" he asked
" it's soo cold" I said
I didn't hear him any more but 5 seconds later I was laying against taehyung.

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