3. july thursday 2015

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Today was the only day of this week i did not bother to go to school. Actually i wanted to go, cause after school my friends and i would go out for lunch. It is a long time ago that i was at granns, i wondered how it looked right now.

¨ hey gurrlllsss¨ said beau as soon she walked in to the classroom. This was the only class i had with her in the whole week. We dicussed about the lunch and what we would pick from the menu. I knew my friends from the first month I got here. They were just like me, freshmans. We never were in the same class but we just found each other anyways. Beau, Isabella, Kc and I. Best friends since freshman year. They were amazing. We talked about everything boys/girls (since this is the 21th century and people can be Gay bi etc xdd), make up, outfits, Tumblr, family, ex partners, food, music and school.

After school we came together at the busstation and walked just a few minutes out of the city till we saw granns. It was the same as I remembered. Cute tables outside, flowers hanging out the window and inside it looked like a warm old lady house but than with a little bar and more tables. I wish I could explain better.  
As me and my friends opened the door a smell of chocolate came in our face. It was soo cozy.
We sat down at a table. It had a bench at one side and two seats on the other side of the table. Beau and I sat down on the seats.

We ordered our drinks and were talking about everything. All the people would have think that we were crazy or something cause we were laughing really hard, we did not notice till a waiter came and told us that there were complains about us. we laughed and promised the waiter to be quiter.

We tried. We did. I guess we succeed cause the waiter didnt show up again, only with our food. While we were eating and talking, Isabell almost chooked in her salade. We tried to help her but finally she helped herself. She took a deep breath and spoke ¨ fghkjfdskjghsdkjfhgsdkjgdgkjhgkjghdjhgffdjk uhhmm guys...¨. We all followed her eyes to the big window with the flowers, we were sitting next to . Beau and I looked at the window. immediately looked beau at me and i looked at her. ¨ I TOLD YOU!¨ she shouted to loud. I look to find the waiter but he wasnt around. I turned my back to them, cause if i didnt i would simply break my neck xdd. As i watched kc's and Isabel's faces, I realized that this was real.

A few minutes later the bell rang, it hang above the door so you could hear when people walked into the cafe. It probably was for the waiters so they knew that new people arrived and wanted a table. Automatically I turned around. Jimin, namjoon, yoongi, hobi , Jin, jungkook and taehyung walked in. OMG my heart. I felt like I was about to pass out. I didn't know what to do. Of course they got a table soo close to us that they could literally hear what we would say, by the fact that namjoon could perfect speak English so could translate everything. Omggg my head. I started over thinking about all the scenarios that "could" happen. I felt a hand on my shoulder, it was beau. She saw what was happening with me, so she helped me by the thought that they were just people having lunch.

I still can't believe how but i relaxed a little and finished my sandwich. After we were all done we wanted to order some coffee, but the waiter didn't noticed our waving after 15 minutes and he still didn't. I started to notice that the whole group next to us was laughing. We probably looked kinda stupid. We were waving like someone was leaving for a long long time. Namjoon noticed it and tried to get the waiters attention. I noticed and smiled at him. ¨ i bet he wont reply¨ i said laughing i didnt planned to say something. ¨he should¨ he said to keep the convesation going.¨ DO YOUR BEST¨ said V, he sat next to me (with a gap cause the tables didnt stand against eachother. ¨ shut up, english major xdd¨ said yoogi and than they had a whole convo in korean...

no one of us could understand. 5 min later they were all in a deep conversation. We, beau kc isabell and me, stared for a little while like is this how it ended? Beau and kc eventually decided to leave the cafe, 'cause we planned to shop for summer clothing but they saw that me and isabell didnt want to leave. They left and isabell and i looked at menu. ¨should we tried to order again?¨ said isabell. i laughed and said that i thought it was an amazing idea with a weird accent. ¨ oh dear, lets have a cup of green tea¨ isabell continued. ¨uhmmm i'd love a cup of coffee.¨ ¨black or with suga?¨ she said and laughed because of her own joke. isabell had wavy black hair, dark brown eyes. She always made sure her outfits fitted perfectly together. Some day she texted me about what the best top was for her new baggy jeans. I always say she looks great in both but she should do what she thinks sit comfortble.

We ordered our coffe and tea. I cant recall where we were talking about but we got hoseoks attention. He stared at us, or we at him. Anyways a few minutes later asked namjoon : ¨ is it okay if we put our tables against yours?¨. I looked at isabell and before i could say something she said ¨ yea sure but please understand that we cant speak or understand korean¨. She seemed pretty serious. ¨ that's okay i'll make this our english hour¨ and he laughed 

strangers; Taehyung And Jimin [finished]Where stories live. Discover now