There was once a smile upon her lips,
An undiscovered mole, around her hips.
She was but, a terrible liar
Anywhere she'd go, she'd be fired.
Lost of love and scrupulous affection
She yells against her own reflection,
With her crystalline gorgeous eyes
That could have had the world hypnotized,
But her words were a disgust
For all, whom she thought she could trust.
Not today. The Santa wouldn't come.
For today, she will settle for the rum.All she ever desires, is to be free;
With her, neither does anyone care to be.
She prays to God, to grant her mercy
Winter arrives, the Christmas needs be merry.
She said- 'people, they were all leech'.
People abjured her, 'she is a colossal witch!'
Lost and alone in the world of infinity,
She exists, whom nobody would love to see.
She wouldn't sigh, for she thinks she can fight,
Without the knowledge of being wrong or being right.
She cursed her lover with a hope of resurrection
Which was deluded, now damned in prosecution.Never fear, never cry.
She could still return home, alive.
She, a pretty young fool, who never forgets to bray--
Yet this, the world where she would want to stray.
To yonder, her words and speeches be hurled
For unlucky, feels she now, to be born a girl.
She is falling into the hands of time and fate
Only reaping for herself, the quick sown hate.
The walls, cannot protect her anymore
It threatens to choke her, before she handles the door
Yet she will move on, never rest even awhile
Thus she shall not know, the foe is her own vile.It is in these lines, where alone will she be loved yet.
Ages don't overwhelm me, but the woe of my Juliet.©himadri_chekanidhara
PuisiHello, there readers! For a quick introduction to my work would suit its subtitle- 'A Collection of Scattered Feelings', I have maintained no fixed mood, so that my dear readers may see beyond a specific feeling, to feel it. The moods vary form sli...