Chapter one: School

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"Anabeth wake up" It was father he was trying to wake me but i refused to get out of my coffin. "no" i said and felt my coffin door open. "Anabeth wake up" oh god it was Ruki, "why should i?" i said  and pulled a blanket over my face. "Hey m-neko chan! its your first day of school" my other brother Kou said. "wait? your actually letting me go to school?" i said and sat up. "yeah so hurry up before i drag you to school in your pajamas!" yuma yelled.  i got out of my coffin and pushed the men out and locked the door. I put on my uniform and opend my door back up, Yuma was outside my door. "you were almost late the limo is outside."he said and i nodded and followed him while pushing a sugar cube into my mouth. "Yuma?"
"what?" he asked "after  almost sixteen years why are you finally letting me go to school?" he paused for a moment. "i don't actually know why but Kou, Ruki, and Azua think that it would be better than my teaching." i nodded and walked outside. "are you exited m-neko-chan?" kou asked me. "sort of  i am also nervous" Kou smiled "What my kitten is nervous?" i laughed "don't worry you'll​ be fine Anabeth" father said as we climbed inside the limo. I shoved another sugar cube in my mouth. "Anabeth. your first class is with Yuma." Ruki started. "if you feel like something is wrong or if somebody tries to hurt you-" i cut him off. "teleport to you yada-yada-yada."  i heard Yuma and Kou chuckle. the limo driver informed us that we had arrived. I put my bag of sugar cubes away and followed Yuma out the limo. I saw a lot of girls staring at us wich made me more nervous. I combed my long white hair out of my eye and followed Yuma to the classroom. As i walked to the classroom i saw girls and boys looking at me like i was an alien.

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