Chapter thirteen: After math

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Im laying in subarus bed because the spare room is Yui Komoris. Subaru is next to me. Im starting to remember things again. my real mom christa was nice to me. it was just Rukis mom abused us then left us for her secret lover. I cleared that thought and tried to sleep. Subaru Tsk in his sleep and it scared me the first few times but im used to it. I cant sleep so i get out of bed and put on a black leotard and a clear pinkish skirt over it and i walk to the dance room i found a few hours ago. I plugged in my iPod to Carousel and danced. I figure that will make me tired but now im thirsty so i teleport to a near town. I find a teen looking girl and i walk over. shes alone so i grab her arm. "What the hell do you think your doing!" she screams. "Shh." i pushed her up against the wall. "It'll be over before you notice" I say and sink my fangs into her flesh and gulp down her blood untill shes limp. then, i laid her down and vanished. Feeling satisfied i wend back to my dance.

When i finished i heard clapping and i look to the couch and i see Kanto "Oh i didn't notice you" i said and sat next to him. "Oh teddy and i heard beautiful music and found you dancing right teddy?" i found it wierd he still had his bear. "Oh well im sorry if i woke you" i said and smiled. "Oh no i was awake. Yui has such a tasty aroma dont you think?" oh yeah Yui. "Um yeah" i took my hair out of a pony tail and brushed it with my fingers. "Um Anabeth?" kanto said. "Hmm"

"Can you teach me" he said. "How to dance like you?" i smiled at his question. "Okay but its hard." i said and stood up. he followed and put teddy down. he was in pajamas so i look through a closed for a shirt and some shorts for him. i find some and hand them to him. "Go change then ill teach you" he nodded and  went and changed.

he came back and i turned carousel back on. "okay just do what i do" carousel is an easy beginner song. He was pretty good until the quad spin. I saw him smiling​ and laughing  as he atempted the quad spin again. It was almost the ending. i did a tripple toe loop then ended with "Falling" to the ground on porpose. "Do you like dancing Kanto?" i said as he helped me up. "Yes the spins are fun so are the kicks" he said and hugged me. "Thank you so much Anabeth"

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