Chapter Nine: Ruki

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I went to my room after Kou and Yuma yelled at me. I slipped on some sweat pants and a crop-top and crawled into bed. I laid their for a few hours then fell asleep.

*Anabeths dream*

I am in the gardens. I see mommy and i walk up to her. She slapped me, then she kicked me into the fountain. Mom is about to kick me again but Ruki and Azusa run infront of me. Azusa helps me up and Ruki gets hit. He puts his hands in a fist at his sides, mom hits him again but he doesn't cry. "I always hated you children" Mom said.

*Dream over*

I wake up and feel a lump next to me, I lift the covers and see Ruki. He stirs a little then wakes. "Wha-what?" his voice was weak. "Nothing." i said. "I just had a dream,about mom." he sat up and held me. "Im sorry." he tried to be comforting. "You and Azusa saved me. mom kept on hitting you but you didn't cry. she hated us"

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