Chapter twelve: family

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subaru led me to a small room with broken walls. must be his room. He pushed me up against the wall. "i know who you are" his voice was soft. "What do you mean?" his pale face was only inches away from my face my pale identical face. realization struck my body. My name is Anabeth Sakamaki not Mukami. "did you tell her?" Reiji was in the doorway. Subaru let go of me and i collapsed onto the ground. My brain couldnt comprehend this.

After i recoverd we waited for Kanato, Laito, Shu, and Ayato to come home from school.

"Anabeth!" Laito burst through the door and hugged me tightly. I resisted for a minute but soon hugged back. Shu was last through the door. "potato" He said quietly. I was currently in a big group hug with the triplets. I motioned him to join the hug, he gave a small smile and joined in. Everyone was happy!

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