Chapter eight: the kiss

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We were practicing and all of a sudden Subaru grabbed my arm. "Anabeth," i looked into his deep red eyes. "Subaru? What are you doing?" he brushed my bangs out of my eye. "Your eyes, they are full of regret and sorrow, why?" he could read my past like a book. "i dont know.why?" "No reason" and before i knew it my lips were pressed on his. he held my waist my hand cupped his cheek. I opend my eyes and quickly pulled back. i was ready to run. "Anabeth what's wrong?" he said. I turned my back and ran out of the door. what were you thinking Anabeth!! your a idiot! I was running faster than i ever did before. My sight got blurred with tears. i blinked and started breathing heavy What just happend! why did you kiss him! why did i kiss him. i would save that question for later. I ran until i saw the garden. Kou was their looking at the roses. "Kou!" i yelled and he looked up. I ran into his arms. "Okay what did you do?" he sounded serious. "I messed up badly onii-san." i started crying. he pet my hair. "I kissed Subaru. Please forgive me Kou-Onii-san" i could feel his jaw clench.

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