\Chapter seven: Partner song

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The music teacher assined me and Subaru to do a song. Great now i have to be alone with Subaru and probably all of the Sakamaki brothers. "Um Anabeth?" Subaru said as i was almost outside the door. "yeah?" "Lets practice everyday, i just want to get it done fast." he sounded tierd. "Okay lets meet after school here okay" he nodded and i met up with Yuma and Azusa. "Hey um i have to practice with subaru for a music project so i will be riding to our house with them"

*time skip*

After school i walked to the music room and sat down at the piano. My fingers started dancing across the piano keys.

*Now playing: Bring me to life*

"How can you see into my eyes like open doors? leading you down into my core where ive become so numb"

"Without a soul.... my spirits sleeping somewhere cold until you find it their and lead it back"
" Home.. WAKE ME UP INSIDE WAKE ME UP AND SAVE ME! CALL MY NAME AND SAVE ME FROM THE DARK!" subaru entered the room and sat next to me.
" bid my blood to run before i come undone! Save me frome the nothing ive become!"
"Now that i know what im without you cant just leave me! breathe into me and make me real! Bring me to life!"
"Wake me up inside wake me up and save me! save me call my name and save me from the dark"
"bid my blood to run before i come undone! save me from the nothing ive become! breathe me to life"

Before i knew it i started crying. Whats wrong with me! Breath me to life! im a idiot! "Anabeth? whats wrong?" i wiped my tears "nothing im fine. lets pick a song." i looked at my hands. Mascara and eyeliner was smeared on them. "Okay uh... what song do you want to do then?" he asked. "The story of my life" i said and he looked confused. "You want to sing about your life?" "No um its a song." i pulled out my phone and showed him a video.

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