chapter three: Bloody nose

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I hear a crash. i ran into the classroom to see Ruki on the ground blood flowing from his nose. "what happened in here" my voice was so quiet. "what happened in here" my voice was a bit louder. "who are you?" the white haired boy asked. he sounded pissed. "im Ruki and Yumas sister who are you?" i tried to sound tough. "i wasn't aware they had a sister." he crossed his arms. "well they do. so what happened in here!" i practically yelled at the top of my lungs. "  i punched him." laito said sounding disappointed. i walked over to Ruki and picked him up in my arms and teleported to the mansion. i laid him down on his bed and wiped the blood from his face with my sleeve. hee slowly woke up. "what happened?" he asked. "Laito punched you. you were out cold. i had to teleport us here." he rubbed his temples "how long was i out?" He asked "just like fifteen minutes." he nodded. "who were those guys anyway?" i asked "well laito was the one with red hair, the one with black hair was Reiji, the blond was Shu, and the one with white hair was Subaru"

"you should go back to school im shure Azua and Kou are wondering where you are." "will you be okay without me?" he nodded. so i got up and teleported to the school.

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