chapter two: other boys

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*time skip*

Its lunchtime and Ruki wanted me to eat with him. we sat on the steps that lead to the school. "How has your day been so far?" Ruki asked. "Good. how has your day been?" "good." i finished my food and hugged my knees to my chest. "have you made any friends?" "Um no, im just i don't think im ready to make friends yet" he nodded. "What the hell!" it sounded like Yuma. Ruki and I were instantly on our feet, running down the main hall to a small secluded classroom. "what's going on in here!" Ruki yelled. "Tsk," a boy who looked to be my age was standing infront of Yuma.  "long time no see Ruki" the boy said. "i see you have a little pet." the boy said in a sassy voice. "Laito. you haven't changed at all. you still look like the pervert you are. don't you have something better to do than beat up Yuma" I looked at Laito, my eyes going from a purple to a dark red. I was trying to see why exactly he was fighting with Yuma.

* when the fight started*

i see Yuma being congratulated by the teacher then i see everyone leave except for him and laito.
they are yelling at each other.  then We walk in.

*fight over*

" Anabeth outside now" Yuma said. i followed his command and stepped out of the classroom. I shoved a sugar cube in my mouth. i could hear yuma and ruki fighting with laito. "oi, that potato cant even be good for one minute!" a boy with grey hair and glasses entered the room. he was followed by a blond man and a white haired man. white hair like mine.

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