A Ghetto Love Story {^*^} (5)

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OK here's the next part of my Robbery/Love Story. I know that my English Teacher Story is more popular, but I really enjoy writing this :) Because I like different writing styles, and this is more of a different, kind of modern style :D

So OK, I hope you like it <-__->





After the whole Fraud TV thing, we all decided to head home. We were all on the bus coming home. Derrel was sitting in the seat next to me, Krispy on the other side. DeLante and Nay were listening to his iPod together. Aww, how cute, I thought...And ghetto.

I'm the type of person that always HAS to talk to someone, and Krispy was busy with texting, so I turned to Derrel and tried to start a conversation. "Hey, what's up?" I asked sweetly.

"Not much," said Derrel, looking down at me.

I gave an involuntary shiver and turned away. He still stared down at me.

As the bus passed by, we saw a skinny man dancing near a StarBucks. He was bouncing around with a cappuccino in hand, waving at random people. I prodded Derrel and said, "Hey look! HE had too much coffee." I laughed aloud, only to receive a sort of muffled grunt from Derrel. I turned, wondering what I had done wrong.

Derrel's face was contorted into a wide eyed frown. His head was slightly tilted as he looked at me strangely.

"What?" I asked, looking him up and down. I then saw where my hand was resting. Just below his belt line if you catch my drift.




I quickly grabbed my hand back and apologized. "Sorry, sorry sorry. I didn't mean to...I mean..." I shook uncontrollably. I had just grabbed on him...Oh dear.

"Hmm," was his reply, as he looked out the window.

I sighed heavily and waited for the bus to pull up to our stop. The five of us got off, Nay-Nay going to the West-Wing of Cedar Gardens across the street. Sounds fancy, right? Not. They built the apartments on the wrong side of the street, and it would cost too much money to cut down, so they left it, building the other half on the other side.

The rest of us clomped into the east wing. Krispy left us at the second floor and the three of us climbed up the other stairs. DeLante dragged me back. "Hey you wanna come over tonight?" he asked, swinging my hand back and forth.

"That depends," I said. "What you got?

"Well, I got a bed need some-." DeLante started jokingly.

"Shut up, Lante," I laughed. "I meant for dinner."

"Naw seriously, we're having vegetarian meatloaf or some shit," he said, as we climbed the stairs.

"Where are you going?" Derrel questioned.

I jumped. Geez, I hadn't noticed him standing behind me. "Huh?..Oh, yeah, I'm gonna go to Lante's for dinner, Derrel," I said. I froze. Oh shit, had I just called him Derrel? What's he gonna do?

He gave me a wide grin and said, "Oh, OK." LAST THING I had expected him to say.

DeLante widened his eyes at me and mouthed, "WHY did you do that?"

I shrugged and was about to enter DeLante's apartment when someone grabbed my hand back. I was whirled around, facing Derrel. My hair whipped around me, landing in wavy curls on my shoulders. He smiled down at me, my arms in both his hands. "Good night, Kira," he said. He yanked me toward him and dug his lips into mine. I couldn't control my lips, those things had a life of there own as I bit into his.

We both pulled back and I gave Derrel a small smile. WTF??

He winked again and turned back to the staircase. I turned to DeLante. His face was bright red and his brown eyebrows furrowed angrily. "What?" I asked innocently.

"Whatever man," he said, fuming. He opened his apartment door and slammed it behind him.

"I guess that means I'm uninvited," I wondered aloud. Ouch.



The next morning I was sent to the Pookie's to get some groceries. I looked at the list again and sighed. I threw on a small long-sleeved Real Madrid jersey and a pair of black skinny jeans. I topped of the outfit with some low black and white Converse. I threw my curls lazily over my shoulders and pulled up one sleeve, decorating that arm's wrist with a black scrunchie. I stepped out into the sunny morning and stuffed the list into my pocket.

Yesterday it had been raining and now it was sunny. Weird city weather, I thought, passing by the Local Hair Salon. Before I went into the QuickMart, something caught my eye.

I looked up the street at the West Wing. There was a U-Haul truck parked in front of it. I walked over to where the truck was. A couple f kids were playing near a fire hydrant. I stepped over to one of the cutest little kids, my little buddy Donny. I smiled down at him and crouched down to give him a hug. "Hey Donny!"

He smiled up at me and said, "Hi Kira."

"Hey, do you know who came from that truck?" I asked him.

"Yup," he said, his mouth full of sticky candy. "Him!"

He pointed over at...Just about the finest creature I ever saw. He was medium height, very fit, and had deep tan skin. He had blazing pale green eyes and his hair was cut in a strict line up. He was sitting on the stoop in front of the West Wing, with his hands clasped together in front of him, elbows on knees, hunched over. He was wearing a red and black plaid shirt, with the sleeves rolled up to the elbow. He had on dark blue jeans and burgundy and black Nike 6.0 with the flap untucked.

My eyes nearly boggled out of my head. God, he was gorgeous. And he was getting up. Now he was walking towards me.

Oh shit.

He stood in front me and said, "Hey."

"Hi," I replied stupidly.

There was a pause where we just looked at each other.

Oh yeah.



Hope you guys liked it!! As always, read it up, vote it, comment it if you feel inclined, and ENJOY!!



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