Chapter 1: The Mission

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Naruto POV

Grandma Tsunade put me and Hinata on a mission to go across the country, does that women even know how far that is! and I won't see Sakura for a month! or even more!

I ran round looking for Hinata, I ended up going to her house and asking Neji. "Hinata? Oh yeah she's up the hill at the tree but-"  cut him off running off  "Thanks Neji Bye!" I yelled but I heard him yell something like mother or something but I just needed to get this mission over with. "Hinata!" I yelled with a goofy grin on my face as I ran up to Hinata who was sitting under a large tree in a small oasis. "Hinata?" I asked looking at the girl under the tree, she slowly turned around with tears in her eyes, she kept crying and then I noticed a small stone on the ground that read 'in loving memory of the best mother ever'. "Hinata..." I said walking towards the crying girl who just sat there next to the tree.

I knelt down to her and hugged her as she cried so softly, I could tell she didn't want to cry in front of me or anyone for that matter, It was really upsetting me seeing her so sad, she was always this big ray of sunshine even though she was the shyest person in the village. I ended wrapping her in my jacket and taking her to Grandma Tsunade, when we walked into the office Hinata was still crying while granny Tsunade tried to comfort her. "Naruto what did you do to this poor girl" Granny growled still holding Hinata in her arms "I didn't do anything! she was just crying under a tree" I said trying to defend myself, Tsunade widened her eyes and slowly looked down "did the tree have a small stone saying 'in loving memory of the best mother ever'" she asked and I just nodded "Naruto, Hinata grew that tree herself and made that stone when she was three years old.." Tsunade said which made Hinata cry a bit harder, I could tell she hated crying I front f people.

Tsunade said we could start our mission tomorrow and then I just left leaving Hinata with Tsunade, when I left the room I heard Hinata scream while crying and I knew she never wanted to cry in front of someone she's not close to, but we were close! were we?

I thought about Hinata all day and how she lost her mother and just made a grave all by herself at three years old,  she must have had a heard time even I know her dad doesn't actually care or love her. "Naruto!" I heard a feminine voice call, I looked around and saw Sakura sitting in Ichiraku Ramen , "Hey Sakura!" I yelled running over to her "Hey Naruto want some ramen?" she asked me "Sakura you think I'd say no?" I said as she giggled. After me and Sakura ate our ramen and talked for a bit she started talking about how she was going on a mission with Guy sensei and Bushy brow, as soon as she said Bushy brows name I knew I was jealous because we all know Bushy brow loves Sakura.

"really that's great!" I said smiling but I was gritting my teeth on the inside "yeah I know right!" Sakura said happily, "well I'd better get going it's a long trip! and I still have to pack" she said waving goodbye to be holding up the short curtain containing the only privacy in this place. I sighed and walked out after eating yet another bowl a ramen which I didn't mind, I was walking home when I saw Hinata heading toward her house still holding my jacket that I put on her a few hours ago, I ran over to her and when she finally noticed me running up to her she looked up and I could still see tears in her pale eyes, she had a sad expression on her face for a second until she changed it to a fake smile and handed me my jacket "H-here sorry about earlier" she said still giving me a fake smile, "Thanks.." I said knowing she was still upset, I looked at her sadly and then she shot me a huge smile that basically made the moon light up in the dark.

My eyes widened when she then looked down and turn away waving back at me refusing to make eye contact, that's when I knew she missed her mom more than anything. "Bye!" I yelled at her as she walked away up a hill that was actually quite big, wait but Hinata's house isn't that way her house is the other way. she slowly made her way up the hill which I never noticed until now, I followed her up the hill and when she walked through many tree's she came up to another small oasis full of butterflies that seemed to glow, she slowly looked over at the water and they up at the sky. "Hinata.." I mumbled quietly so she couldn't hear me, she quickly started walking back to her house when she heard a disturbance that was obviously caused by me, I instantly face palmed myself.

I made sure Hinata went home this time but when I was about to go back to my house I saw Hinata walk into her courtyard in the middle  of her house and then she almost fell over when she stumbled over when her dad came out with a furious look on his face, "G-Gomen father!" she said bowing to him "Hinata this is the last time! you've been coming home late for the longest time now!" he said walking quickly up to her, "Gom-" she was cut off when her father slapped her, I was about ready to pounce on the man for hurting my friend, Hinata's father kicked her until she was on the ground coughing, and I knew that if I went as far as entering her house I would be taken to Grandma Tsunade and who knows what would happen, so instead I just went home with way too much regret but I knew I deserved to feel this way.

Tomorrow Is our mission, I'm going to make Hinata happy and protect her! I started thinking about Sakura and then noticed how sweet she was today, tough sweet girl like Sakura is just amazing!


sorry if this is too much for one chapter I really needed Naruhina moments rn

btw if you don't know Gomen means sorry in Japanese

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