Chapter 5

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I think I'm going to end his fanfic soon I don't really like it

Hinata's POV

Naruto cant know that I was crying, he might think I'm still in pain. "Hinata" Naruto said waving his hand in front my face, "huh? what is it?" I asked looking around moving my head rapidly, Naruto laughed a bit "we're here" he said as I looked ahead to see the village we were headed to for our mission, I nodded sheepishly as we walked onward.

"hello, are you the two ninja's who are taking me to the leaf village?" someone asked making us turn around and face him, he looked our age with electric blue eyes, black hair, and was wearing a jacket, regular jeans and headphones around his neck with his hands stuffed in hid pockets. "I believe we are" Naruto said making small talk with the boy.

"so is this your girlfriend?" he asked gesturing toward me, "Huh? w-w-what n-no" I stuttered, "nah she's not my girlfriend, why do you want to know? you like her or something" Naruto asked smirking "Oh no! I have  a girlfriend already, she's the best" he said happily, I smiled at how much he cares for her, it would be nice if someone cared for me like that.

"well we better be off" I said walking ahead of them, "you guys seem close" He said talking to Naruto "yeah she's one of my best friends" he replied, 'friends' thanks Naruto' I thought sarcastically. "well you guys would be cute together" he said who I learnt his name was Jamie, "huh? what no way! I love a different girl" Naruto said breaking my heart.

"fine dude, just so you know...your so freaking dense" Jamie said face palming while Naruto gave a confused look "Thank you!" I yelled putting my arms up in frustration. after a while it got dark and we decided to set up camp, "so what's our food plan" Naruto asked out of the blue "I'm going to make some ramen" I said plainly, "yas!" Jamie yelled.

                                                                     ***   ***   ***

We started to head back to the village at sunrise, Jamie and Naruto kept talking while I kept my thoughts on other things, "Hinata, you okay? your acting weird" Naruto said as we jumped through the tree's "No, I'm perfectly fine" I said sternly "okay then" Naruto said happily "Dude, if a girl says she's 'fine' that means something's wrong! ya baka!" Jamie yelled, he's right though if we say we're fine we don't mean it.

after we stopped at a town for some food we were on our way to the village once again. "Hey Hina" Naruto said calmly, "what is it?" I asked nervously "do you think Me and Sakura would be good together?" he asked calmly, I tensed up and looked at him not answering "I-I uh...sure?" I said not making eye contact, "oh... alright" he said as I sped up the pace.

I hated when Naruto would ask these questions, I still love him though... why? because his smile, his voice, his caring nature, how he never gives up. I love him for many reasons, he just doesn't see who really loves him.

                                                          "Naruto~Kun... I love you"

                                                                    ***    ***    **

and end chapter!! I really want to end this fanfic though T^T


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