Chapter 6

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Naruto's POV the next day

'I wonder how Sakura's doing' I thought, While I was day daydreaming about Sakura I heard a loud thump, "ow" Hinata squeaked, she just got wacked with a flying stick "Oh! Hey! I'm so sorry!!" A boy said running in front of us. He was our age with black hair slicked over to the side of his head wearing a jacket with fluff around the dark green hood and regular black ninja pants with the normal shinobi sandals. "It's fine" She said rubbing her head while Jamie helped her to her feet, "Naruto you baka" Jamie whispered "What!?!" I whined "Hinata you talk to this guy while I talk to baka here" Jamie said as Hinata nodded and turned to face the boy who started frantically apologizing "do you even give a crap about Hinata?" Jamie whisper yelled "of coarse!" I said "well it doesn't seem like it! she got hit with a stick and all you did was stand there, thinking about a different girl huh" he said angrily "I.." I couldn't get any words out, I was true, all I did was stand there thinking about Sakura.

"your right... I'm sorry" I mumbled sadly, he nodded with a sigh "you should think about others you know" he said walking toward Hinata and putting a hand on her shoulder. I walked over to them awkwardly "Oh Hey Naruto~Kun" Hinata said happily, I smiled and turned my gaze on the stranger "oh this is Zach, he was just apologizing for hitting me a stick" Hinata explained "sorry again" Zach said rubbing the back of his neck, "it's fine, seriously" Hinata giggled. huh. I never realized how cute she was. wait. what! no, no, no! I like Sakura!....I think....

Apparently Zach lost his little sister and is looking for her, we decided to help him out, "Hinata, Naruto! you look that way while me and Zach look over here" Jamie said as they zoomed off into he distance, "well, we better hurry, I wanna get back to the village" I said, but I didn't want to go back, I wanted to learn about Hinata, I know she's sad and I can't help but worry, but every time I get worried I start obsessing over a girl who doesn't even like me. "right" she mumbled as sadness clouded her eyes.

My facial expression became sad and it was obviously noticeable "you okay?" she asked worriedly "oh yeah" I lied, I knew I hurt her, I may be dense but, I know enough to know I hurt someone. "we better hurry then" she said softly and started searching with her byakugan, "you must be really powerful being part of the hyuga clan" I said hoping to cheer her up, she stiffened and she soon turned slowly without her byakugan. "it's no honor for me if that's what your implying, as if I'm strong enough to even be in that clan" she mumbled and started walking away, "I'm such a baka" I mumbled and face palmed myself.

"byakugan" she said silently activating her byakugan, she started racing through tree's very gracefully, definitely more angelic than Sakura. wait. what.

"help!" I little girl cried as Hinata slowly approached her. "are you Lilly?" Hinata asked softly kneeling down next to her, she nodded wiping hot tears from her eyes, "I found your brother a while ago, we were helping him find you" Hinata said softly bringing Lilly into a warm embrace, "we better get you back" she said picking Lilly up into a piggy back ride.

I smiled at her caring nature as her midnight black hair glistened in the sun that seeped through the tree's. I smiled uncontrollably "Let's go Naruto~Kun" she said softly patting Lilly on the back to comfort her. As we were walking back it seemed quiet and peacful "your really nice you know, so helpful, strong, caring" I said dreamily, I realized she was blushing madly and quickly shut myself up. "T-th-thanks.." She stuttered, "y-yeah.." I mumbled embarrassed.

Once we reached Zach and Jamie It started pouring rain, "Hey look a cave!" Zach yelled as we all ran into it drying off. "I'm wet" Hinata said with a funny pouty face, "hey looks like a big storm" Jamie stated as he stood at the entrance eyeing the sky "yeah" Hinata mumbled standing next to him. "Hey! Look out!" I yelled as I pushed Hinata and Jamie out of the way of a lighting bolt hitting the side of the cave.

Rocks started falling down and incasing us in the cave, "well! we're screwed!" Hinata said throwing her hands up, "oh well" I smiled knowing I could learn more about Hinata. "Big brother? are we stuck?" Lilly asked "no we'll get out soon" Zach assured happily, Lilly nodded and walked over to Hinata "are you going to marry my brother?" she asked innocently, my blood started to boil, "w-w-what! n-no, I have my heart set on someone else" she said kneeling down, "awe too bad, I really shipped it too" she whined and walked over to Jamie, "her heart better be set on me" I mumbled, "what was that Naruto~Kun?" she asked with a blush still on her face. "oh nothing." I said nervously, she nodded and turned to Zach.

Just wait for me Hinata...


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