Chapter 8 Final

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Naruto's POV

after I kissed Hinata I ran to the training grounds. I let out a sigh of relief, I finally did it! I dropped against a tree and smiled, "well, well, well. what is the great Naruto Uzimaki so happy about?" Sakura said sarcastically while she crouched down in front of me. "Hey Sakura" I said casually still thinking about Hinata, "heey?" she responded a bit confused, "no flirts? no cheerful scream? what did I miss?" she smirked, "I went on a mission with Hinata" I stated dreamily,


"I kissed her"

"you did! YAS FINALLY! DUDE YOU WAITED LONG ENOUGH!" She yelled, I quickly covered her mouth and hushed her, "shush!" I whisper yelled, "I haven't told her I like her... I just said that I moved on and then I kissed her" I mumbled with Sakura beamed with excitement.

"but I don't know how to feel" I whispered,

"okay well, maybe she isn't your sun, but she's your moon, your moon that shines on the darkest nights, she was always there for you, you know" she smirked and stood up, "HEY!! what does that mean!!??" I yelled as she walked away carelessly.

I sighed and walked back to the village to see Hinata, Shino, and Kiba all laying in the middle of the road, "uuh? what are you guys doing?" I asked with a confused smile, "A-Ah Naruto~K-kun" Hinata squeaked while blushing, "what Hina is trying to say is that she would love to go on a date with you" Kiba smirked and stood up holding Hinata's shoulders up to keep her from falling, "great! I'll pick you up at nine!" I smiled and walked back home.

I slammed the door and drooped against it with a sigh, "okay now, what to wear?" I mumbled and got up to go to my closet. I picked up a pair of jeans and a orange sweatshirt, I got dressed and threw my orange jumpsuit into the laundry basket, "ready!" I said looking at the time, 8:45

better hurry then. I walked up to her door and knocked, the door slowly opened and I saw Hinata standing in front of it wearing a long white shirt that almost covers the shorts that she's wearing, along with tall black boots. " look beautiful" I said, her eyes widened and her face turned even more red, if that was possible, "o-oh sorry I didn't-" she cut me off, "n-no it's fine" she said and looked down with a small smile.

"are you ready?" I asked calmly, she nodded and closed her door, "where are we going?" she asked as we walked out the gates of Konaha, "you'll see" I smirked and grabbed her hand, she looked up surprised but I just smiled.

once we made it there I covered her eyes and told her to sit down before she saw it, "okay open!" I sad removing my hands revealing a large blue blanket in the middle of the forest where the only place you could see the moon was a small opening above our heads, on the blanket was brownies and apple cider.

"do you like it?" I asked nervously, she turned to look at me with a smile, "it's the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, thank you" she said hugging me, "w-well, I kinda brought you here for a reason" I said scratching the back of my neck as we released the hug, she gave me a smile and I continued, "Okay so I wont hesitate I'm just going to say it" I said squeezing my eyes shut, "I love you!" I said quickly and my head drooped.

I opened one eye and looked up to see her crying, I opened both eyes and started o get worried,  she hugged me and silently cried on my shoulder, "I love you too" she said even though her voice was muffled by her crying.

we sat there for a good five minutes. "Hey Hinata?" I said as we were stargazing while eating brownies, "yeah?" she said quietly "do you want to be my girlfriend?" I asked with a blush, "I'd love to Naruto" she said and snuggled up to me, "good I thought I would get rejected on the spot" I chuckled as she slightly giggled.

that night we packed up the picnic and walked around the village, "Hey Naruto!" a voice yelled as we both turned around to see Sakura, Kiba, Lee, and Tenten running up to us. "Oh hey guys!" I yelled as they stopped in front of us, "oooh what are you two up to?" Sakura teased, "w-well, me and Hinata are dating now" I said embarrassed, "awe look he's embarrassed!" Kiba laughed while me and Hinata pouted, "alright, alright fine!" Kiba said finishing his laughs.

"you finally did it! ugh I thought you were too dense for that" Sakura laughed, "yeah, yeah whatever" I mumbled while Hinata grabbed my hand and smiled, "anyway!" Tenten interrupted, "how about ramen for the new couple!" she yelled while everyone cheered.

we sat down and ordered our ramen, "so, how does your father feel about this?" Lee asked sitting across from me and Hinata, "h-he doesn't know just yet" Hinata said quietly, "oh! you better tell him, he might freak out and-" Hinata cut him off, "yeah, yeah I know" she sighed as our ramen was handed out to us.

"looks like this was a happily ever after" Sakura said as we all walked back to our separate houses, "yeah I guess so" I said as we stopped in front of the Hyuga mansion, "Bye Hina" Sakura said while giving her a bear hug and walking away, "bye Naruto~Kun!" she said giving me a kiss on the cheek, "night!"  I yelled as he closed her door.

I walked back to my house and fell onto my bed, "I'm glad I met you, Hinata..."


done! the sequel will be out soon I promise! and the sequel will have more drama in it, which also goes for all my fanfics so I hope you enjoyed this

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done! the sequel will be out soon I promise! and the sequel will have more drama in it, which also goes for all my fanfics so I hope you enjoyed this.


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