chapter 3

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small update I'm going to stop naming the chapters because I can't think of anything sorry!

Hinata POV

"N-aruto~Kun" I said slowly cracking my eyes open "Hinata! how do you feel?" he asked me "um Naruto~Kun where are we?" I said sitting up in my hospital bed "Oh we're in the hidden sand village, but don't get up just yet!" he said worriedly holding my hand. I slightly blushed "um so what happened" I asked softly "Well you fell and a large branch fell on your side.." he said looking down squeezing my hand slightly "Arigato Naruto~Kun" I said giving him a sincere smile, which made him turn slightly pink but he was probably just thinking about Sakura or Ramen. "well you know it was nothing" he said looking up while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Naruto~Kun...I'm sorry...I know I'm weak and slow..." I said looking down "No! your wrong! your very strong and your not slow you just didn't get enough sleep" He said making me look up at his bright determined face, I just looked down with a small smile until the doctor walked in. "Ah Ms. Hyuga your awake!" he said coming toward me with a pervy attitude. "watch out for him he's been trying to make moves on you this entire time" Naruto whispered into my ear glaring at the doctor and I just nodded and turned to the doctor who was our age, "Um Hello" I said to him with a worried smile, "yes so you should be okay if you rest a bit" he said looking at his chart on his clipboard, at least he wanted me to feel better. "Now, I hear you don't have a boyfriend" he said smirking at me "Uh no I don't" I said while he came closer to me "Hey! don't try anything with Hinata!" Naruto said blocking the doctor from me, "Oh come on you were talking to a nurse about some girl with pink hair that you like, don't pretend to protect someone who you don't love" The doctor said pushing Naruto out of the way and grabbing my hand.

"Uh Hi?" I said while he still has my hand in his cold hands "so how would you like to come with me" he said giving me a smile that sent chills up my spine "um no thanks I have a mission to do" I said getting my hand back "oh come on" he said grabbing me but before he could get me out of the bed Naruto had already punched him out cold. "you okay Hinata?" he said giving me a warm smile, I slowly nodded and he gave me another smile before dragging the pervert out of the room. I sighed on looked at my side that was completely patched up, I felt fine so why was I still here? I got up and switched the hospital gown with my own clothes that were washed from the blood, I walked out looking for Naruto when he saw me and put his hands on my waist which made me let out a small squeak "Be careful you shouldn't be out of bed yet" he said keeping me steady even though I could walk perfectly fine "I-its okay Naruto~Kun I feel fine now" I said taking his warm hands off of my waist, I turned away and walked toward the door so he wouldn't see my dark red face.

"H-Hey Hinata!" He said running towards me "We're leaving now!" I said turning around and giving him a stern face  "alright then" he said with an impressed smile which made me turn around and blush like a tomato. when we walked past the front desk a lady got my attention "Um Ms. I'm very sorry about your mother we were informed of your past" the women said with a look of sadness on her face "Oh it's alright" I said to her giving her an assuring smile but then I looked away and looked to the ground with tears filling my eyes.


"Mama?" I asked "yes what is It my sweet little girl" my mother said giving me a smile I will never get out of my head "promise you wont leave me" I said crawling into her lap "...I....I promise" she said looking sad but then giving me another smile "okay get better soon mama you better get better before my birthday!" I said being dragged out of the hospital by my father who never cared for me or my mother.

"Mama! It's My birthday!!" I said running into my mothers hospital room "Mama?" I asked softly "Ah Hinata...darling come closer" my mother said lying down in her hospital bed I began walking toward her "Hi sweetie...Happy third birthday..." she said crying and patting my head "mama what's wrong?" I asked her "Oh sweetie I'm sorry I can't keep the promise we made...Mama has to leave soon" she said with warm tears coming down her face "No Mama you promised.. you promised you'd get better!" I said crying like the child I was "I'm so sorry sweetie!" she said wiping the tears off of my cheeks but they just kept coming "sweetie I want you to be happy I want you to make many friends and have a happy life" she said crying while looking into my wet eyes "B-but mama" I said trying to say something to her but the tears and sniffles kept coming "Happy birthday my sweet daughter...I love you very much and always will" she said crying more and more "No mama your going to be okay" I said grabbing her hand with my cold, wet hand that were wiping away my own tears "Hinata I'll be with you forever even't see me" she said looking deep into my eyes "I hope I...gave you enough to remember..." she said squeezing my hand weakly "Hinata...It' say....Goodbye..." she said unable to squeeze my hand any longer "no...mama" I said crying louder than ever "Hinata.. someday I will see you again...In the clouds...together.." she said while I just cried "Hinata...I'll love you....forever...and...ever...." beep, beep, beep and at that moment I knew my mother had been gone for a long time now. "MAMA!" was I all I could scream, I cried and cried as the doctors and nurses ran into the room while I was being dragged out by my horrendous so called father.

I cried for days, I ended up planting a tree where me and my mother would always go together, a small oasis with small streams and lots of trees, I carved 'in loving memory of he best mother ever' into a stone and placed it under the tree.


I noticed I was crying when we were walking out of the building and quickly wiped them away, I guess I was so lost in my memories that I didn't realize Naruto was walking right next to me watching me cry, I quickly turned to him and gave him a fake smile "Okay Naruto~Kun let's get back to the mission!" I said putting my arm up and one down to show him I was ready but he just looked at me sadly "Hinata maybe you should rest a bit..." He said still walking beside me "N-No I'm fine I promise" I said blushing at the fact that he actually cared about my well being, Before I could keep walking he picked me up an carried me bridal style "N-Naruto~Kun!" I said blushing furiously "If you won't rest then I'll just carry you" He said looking ahead and then looking down at me and gave me a quick smile.

At that moment I was happy and I let him carry me until we set up camp at night.


sorry this chapter was pretty bad but yeah  was rushed okay


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