Chapter 2: And We're Off...

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Naruto POV

I didn't get much sleep but I still woke up before the sun was up so I still got something accomplished. "Alright time to get Hinata" I said sliding my jacket on and grabbing my  bag full of weapons and ramen. I was walking around hoping to see Sakura before I left but instead I saw Hinata which wasn't a bad thing w needed to get going anyway but I really wanted to see a girl with short pink hair around the corner yelling my name, "Hey Hinata!" I yelled running over to her hoping she was okay from last night, "Hey Naruto~Kun" she said giving me a warm smile but I couldn't help notice all the cuts on her, "uh Hinata where did you get those cuts from?" I asked even though I knew where they were from, she looked flustered and quickly answered me "Um I just fell last night that's all" she said holding her bag her hands, "Oh okay I hope your alright" I said as her face turned a dark rose color, is she sick or something?

"Naruto!, Hinata!" I heard a voice from around the corner, I knew that voice to I was the tough pink headed girl with green eyes, I turned around quickly with a smile but that smile faded when I saw Kiba running next to her "Hey Hinata!" Kiba said hugging Hinata while Sakura came up to me "Hey Hinata I heard what happened last night, you okay?" Kiba asked her which just made my smile fade even more "Naruto you stay safe okay! you promised you would find Sasuke for me!" she said pointing her finger at me "Alright, alright!" I said laughing nervously "good, you two better hurry and come back your going to be gone for a month!" Sakura dragging Kiba away from Hinata and then waving goodbye to both of us.

Me and Hinata finally got out of the village and quickly started jumping tree to tree, "Hey Hinata?" I asked looking at her while she kept focusing on where she was going "are you sure your okay?" I asked facing back to the front of me so I wouldn't run into a tree "Yeah I'm Fine" she said smiling at me, "A-alright" I said looking at her bright smile, but then just as I though would happen, Yeah that's right I ran into a tree "Ah Naruto~Kun!" She yelled stopping to help me, "sorry Hinata" I said scratching the back of my head, she giggled while helping me back to my feet, "you okay" she asked still giggling "yeah thanks Hinata" I said while I smiled at her giggle. "so Hinata? your good friends with Sakura right?" I asked which made her smile sink into a fake one "Yeah she's my friend what about it?" she asked while she refused to make eye contact with me "well I was wondering if you could help me get closer to her" I said still looking at her fake smile "yeah sure!" she said smiling, still fake though "right thanks!" I was actually really happy at the moment to hear her say she was going to help me with Sakura.

Hinata's eyes lit up "Naruto~Kun! The sunrise!" she said stopping and going to the top of a tree, I followed her and noticed she was really enjoying this, she was smiling happily with her eyes sparkling "isn't it pretty Naruto~Kun?!" she asked not taking her sparkling pale eyes off the sunrise "Yeah It looks like the color of Sakura's hair!" I said that made Hinata suddenly loose interest in the sunrise "right... then um let's get going now" she said jumping down, "Uh Hinata!, fine" I sighed. "Naruto~Kun you really like Sakura don't you?" she said looking down on the ground that we were finally walking on "Yeah she has the prettiest green eyes and her hair is the color of cherry blossoms and she's so sweet she even bought me ramen last night!" I said thinking about how amazing Sakura was, "right I guess she really is pretty huh?" she said giving me a fake smile but I just nodded because I completely agreed with her comment.

the entire afternoon was uncomfortably quiet, Hinata seemed to loose that sparkle in her eyes when we saw the sunset, Maybe she just liked sunrise better,  shrugged and started to set up s tent while Hinata gathered wood for a fire.

Hinata POV

Naruto kept talking about Sakura the entire time it took all of my power to hold back the tears and put on a fake smile for the boy I loved. I looked at the sunset but I wasn't in the mood to enjoy it, I went to gather wood while Naruto set up the large tent that we would sleep in TOGETHER!! I blushed a dark pink at the thought and then shook my head and face palmed thinking Naruto could actually like the pale shy girl that was me.

when I came back with the fire wood I heard Naruto "Hey Sakur- uh Hinata!" Naruto said correcting himself, "you were going to say Sakura weren't you? it's fine" I said refusing to make eye contact because he might notice the tears in my eyes. "sorry Hinata I just cant get Sakura out of my mind" He said rubbing his neck "It's okay, Maybe if you cant get someone out of your head maybe they were supposed to be there" I said calmly turning around to see a wide eyed Naruto "Uh Naruto~Kun? are you okay?" I asked waving my hands around "um Yeah I'm fine" he said snapping out of his thoughts or his trance I don't really know what it was!

after we ate our dinner while Naruto kept talking about Sakura we went into the tent and Naruto fell asleep. I on the other hand hadn't let out the sadness that I kept in all day so I walked out to the lake full of small waterfalls and large rocks, I looked up at the stars when I was sitting on a large rock the was on the side of a cliff, "Stars fall to make wishes come true right? so why don't mine come true" I mumbled under my breath and started to tear up, I knew it would happen but I wanted it to be quiet not a loud cry, I stopped crying loudly and started to cry softly under the stars. I hope Naruto was still asleep, I didn't want him to see me cry... especially when it was about him. 

The next morning I was so tired I almost passed out when we were jumping on the tree's I knew Naruto wasn't happy with me, He kept glaring at me, he probably thought  was slow and terrible, weak, stupid, ugly everything negative you can think of sums me up. "Gomen Naruto~Kun" I said with tears in my eyes, Naruto still probably thought I was horrible for holding him up. "Hinata we have to hurry or I wont be able to see Sakura for longer than a month!" He said grabbing my hand and forcing me to run and jump tree to tree. Now I could feel my body stop working and my eyes closing, I know I didn't get enough sleep and I knew I fell all the way down and hit the ground, hard.

I woke up later and I was moving across tree's My body still was too tired to move so I just closed my eyes again waiting until something happened, "Dang It Hinata! Now you went and got hurt!" I felt a wet drop fall on my cheek and then I slowly opened my eyes and saw Naruto crying but I also realized my side felt like it was just completely gone, I turned my head and saw a huge hole in the side of me with blood everywhere. "Naruto... Why are you crying?" I asked looking at him with my eyes feeling heavy and sleepy "Hinata! your awake!" he said giving me a worried smile hot tears still streaming down his face "Naruto what's wrong?" I asked weakly "WAIT DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES!" he yelled crying even harder while I closed my eyes "HINATA!" he kept yelling "N-Naruto.." I said softly "WAIT HINATA STAY WITH MY DONT CLOSE YOUR EYES!" he yelled gripping me tight "but I'm so sleepy"  replied closing my eyes "HI-HINATA PLEASE!" he yelled "I'm g-going to sleep....for....a...bit" I said feeling colder and colder "HINATA!".


okay sorry for having so much happen in one chapter but don't worry obviously Hinata wont die nothing actually happened yet

btw the part at the end when it said don't close your eyes and stuff like that I got it from the saddest comic for hunter x hunter and I swear if u like hunter x hunter and you saw it you would cry every time!

anyway bai!

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