Chapter 7

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Konichiwa hoomans :D Okay I know that you are probably wondering, "why don't they use thei jutsu's to get out?" well I can answer that simply. because I wrote it this way *puts sassy sunglasses on and walks through a fire*

Naruto POV

That night there was a lot of commotion, Jamie made a fire with his jutsu while Hinata talked to Zach and his sister. "you know, I'd love you to be related to me!" Lily yelled hugging Hinata suddenly, "w-what? I uh-" Zach cut her off "w-we just met!" Zach stated nervously, Hinata patted Lily's head and gently set her down on her brothers lap. "well Zachy, if you ever get married. she's a keeper" Lily said making both Hinata and Zach blush, although I was full of jealousy. "hey Naruto~Kun!" Hinata said running over to me and sitting on her knees, "hm? what's up?" I asked with a bit of pink dusted on my cheeks, "when we get back to the village, do you think you could convince Sakura to help me with my healing jutsu?" she asked smiling while waiting for an answer, "uh sure..." I said, but then her smiled faded a bit, "hey do you still like Sakura?" she asked about to get up, "o-oh, no I don't actually" I stated blushing madly, her face brightened as she nodded and walked over to Jamie who was sitting in front of the fire.

I sighed and went to look for any light source through the cracks in the cave, "guess not" I mumbled ready to make a rasengan. "OI! Naruto wait!" Jamie yelled stopping my hands, "hm?" I said turning to face him, "if you do that it will collapse the entire cave before we even have a chance to escape. "oh" I sighed, "stop trying to act tough just because Hina's here" he said smirking, "yeah, Hina is Hinata's nickname, didn't you know?" he said bluntly, "g-guess not" I chuckled with rubbing the back of my neck. Jamie sighed and sat in the corner of the cave silently, I saw Hinata jump up in the corner of my eye, "Guys! I found a bottle!!" she yelled in triumph, "how is that supposed to help?"  asked dumbfounded. Hinata stood there in disbelief for a minute before looking over to Jamie who jumped up next to her, "SPIN THE BOTTLE!!" They yelled in unison, I sweat dropped as everyone gathered near the fire, I sat myself down to Lily and faced Hinata.

"Okay I'll spin first!" she said spinning it until it landed on Jamie, "Okay... I dare you to kiss this rock!" she yelled before swiftly picking up a rock and throwing it in his lap, "awe really?" he whined while Hinata had a somewhat cat like face, "fine" he mumbled and practically made out with the rock, after maybe three minutes he stopped to see all of us with a nervous smile, "what?" he asked, "I think your girlfriend is jealous" Zach said giving the bottle to Jamie. "alright" he said a spun the bottle, it landed on me, great. "I dare you to kiss Zach!" he yelled, to quickly to be honest, "fine" I said turning to Zach who was backing away, I swiftly stuffed my hand in my pocket bring out the one and only, Hershey Kiss.

I chucked it a him, "what?" everyone said in unison, "whaat?" I whined, "you act like I'm gay!" I yelled, "I thought you were though" Lily whispered, "what! why!" I yelled, she looked up at me with a concerned look "because you haven't been hitting on Hina yet" she said grabbing the bottle, "well, That would be weird" I mumbled taking the bottle from her, I saw Hinata get up slowly, was she mad?

she went up to the broken cave entrance, "Gentle fist twin lions!" she yelled breaking the rocks and making a perfect exit, "but how-" Jamie said, "-I said gentle fist" she said bluntly and walking out into the darkness. we all walked out in complete awe as we followed behind Hinata.

/Next Day/

Finally!! we made it to the village!!" Hinata Cheered falling in the village gates to be greeted by a large hug from Shino, Kiba, and Akamaru. "Hey guys" she said falling in their arms from exhaustion, "Hina! we missed you!" Kiba said as they all came into a small reunion, "I missed you guys too" she said tiredly, "Hey Hinata can you come here for a sec?" I asked standing in the middle of the road, "yeah sure what's up?" she asked jogging over to me, "I need to ask to a favor, about Sakura" I said as her smile faded, "can you tell her I moved on?" I said and suddenly kissed her on the lips and running away.

Hinata POV

H-he kissed me. and yep, I fainted right after he left

/after a while of laying unconscious in the street/

I opened my eyes to see Shino and Kiba laying next to me,

"Uh......Guys why are we laying in the middle of the road?" I asked still laying down, "you fainted. so we laid down next to you so everyone will think we're chillin" Kiba said while both Kiba and Shino smiled at me, I quickly gave both of them a hug, "you guys are just too cool" I said happily.

"yeah we know" they said in unison as Akamaru barked happily and laid at my feet.

"yeah we know" they said in unison as Akamaru barked happily and laid at my feet

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okay so sorry for the short chapter. and yes I know a lot of people don't want me to stop writing this, but. I am almost done with this and just because you guys are so amazing, I will make a short sequel, because I have many many many other fanfics to write and I honestly don't know what to write. but I will promise a sequel to this.


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