Chapter 4

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I'm back with another terrible chapter :D

Hinata POV

"N-Naruto..." I said softly while he set up a tent, "what happened to the Kun?" He asked looking at me with a smirk, My face was instantly flushed by his reaction "I- Um..." I played with my fingers a bit until his laugh caught me off guard "It's fine Hinata" He said giving me a happy smile and going back to the tent, I smiled lightly when he turned away

"Hey...Hinata?" He asked pausing what he was doing and stayed in his position, "What is it?" I asked al bit worried of what he would ask, "d-do you like anyone?" he asked nervously, My face was stained a crimson color, "u-uh maybe..." I said going back to cooking some food, "W-who!?!" He asked turning to me, My eyes widened, why would he ask and want to know?

I closed my eyes and smiled, I slowly got up and walked up to him, "That's for me to know" I said opening my eyes and smiling, "b-but" He tried but I cut him off "foods ready" I said and walked into the tent while he stuffed his face. I smiled as I glanced at him, "He's so silly" I giggled slightly.

I quickly set up our sleeping bag inside the tent, "Hina?" I heard from behind me, I turned around slightly to look up at him "Hina?" I questioned "O-oh yeah... I just thought I would call you that... I-if that's okay!" he said, I giggled "I like it" I said slowly getting up and walking outside while he followed. "Naruto is everything okay?" I asked continuing to walk toward the lake, "u-uh...well...not really" He said nervously, "what's wrong" I asked with a worried tone "well.. It's Sakura... I really like her, but she doesn't think of me like that and I really don't know what to do..." he said sadly, My entire body stopped and tightened up for a moment before I turned to him with  a fake smile with my bangs slightly hanging off my face  (Picture Above)

"Maybe you just have to show her the real you... the one who doesn't want to Impress a girl" I said biting back tears and giving him the same fake smile. "r-right..." he said and put his head down with a small smile, I turned back to the direction of the lake but didn't move, "N-Naruto...can you go back to the camp..." I asked softly still facing the other direction, "sure" he said and I hear the snap of a few twigs getting quieter. I finally turned around to see he was gone, I stumbled over to the lake heavily breathing, I dropped myself lightly onto a large boulder, "no matter what I do...nothing will change..." I mumbled softly and sat myself on top of the boulder. I started thinking about how much he talked about Sakura, I laid my arms and head on my knee's, I looked at the water that reflected the moon.

"Like he would ever think of me more than a friend..." I sighed and dug my head into my knee's. That night I fell asleep on that rock, very uncomfortable, but It as better than sleeping next to someone who will never return my feelings.

Naruto POV

Hinata gave me a fake smile, even though she was sad she still tried to comfort me, and she looked like an angel!

she asked me to go back to the camp sight, she seemed like she was about to cry. I walked away but when she knew I was gone I jumped through the tree's and saw her sleeping on a rock. she looked so peaceful, she moved around a few times.

I realized the sun was coming up, "wow long was I out here?" I questioned myself and jumped down from he tree I was perched on, "Hinata..." I asked softly wile shaking her awake, "hmm..." she groaned and rubbed her eyes, her eyes looked at bit red, "were you crying?" I asked helping her off the boulder. there was silence "N-no" she said and walked away, I sighed and followed behind her, we both packed out stuff and started off on out mission.


shortest chapter in history!!! jut really needed to update this bcuz I need to update pretty much all of my fanfics bcuz ive been focused on my other naruhina fanfic!!! SOWWY!


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