It's addressed to Za pt 2

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A/N, sorry loves took me a lil longer than i thought it would to recover from surgery but i'm back and because y'all are so great expect another chapter later tonight too!


"Why didn't anyone stop me from drinking so much last night?" Lauren moaned, before dragging herself up onto the empty stool beside me.

Emma swallowed the remainder of the Lucky Charms in her mouth before answering, "We all tried, you just didn't listen."

Lauren placed her forehead on the bench top. "You didn't try hard enough." She grumbled.

"When I tried to stop you, you threatened to throw me off the balcony." Maddie pointed out from where she was cooking eggs on the stove.

"I wouldn't have actually done it." Lauren protested.

"Like the time in year seven when you shaved half my eyebrow off when I hogged the blanket in my sleep?" Emma asked.

Lauren raised her head to defend herself. "It was a cold night and It was your fault that I ended up getting sick."

"Was it my fault when I was in hospital and couldn't give you a lift to the Beyoncè concert so you spray painted a dick onto my car?" Maddie added dryly, using a spatula to move her eggs to a ceramic plate.

Lauren threw up her hands in defiance. "You weren't giving birth! You were just getting your appendix removed."

"Do you remember the time we went on that school trip to Japan and you convinced me to sneak out with you and then left me to hook up with some guy you met at Mcdonalds?"

Lauren's expression was gaping, like we were accusing her of wrongs she hadn't been guilty of. "Geez you guys make me sound like a terrible person."

"You are." Emma, Maddie and I chorused in union before laughing at how freakishly synchronised we were.

"Stop laughing." Lauren pouted, rubbing her temples. 

Maddie brought her plate of eggs and toast to the bench to eat. "So what's the plan for today?"

"The weather outside is beautiful, we could go for a swim?" Emma asked, tying her brown curly hair into a ponytail. 

"No thanks," Lauren grumbled, "Sunlight is the last thing I need."

The front door opened and Alyssa entered in her gym clothes and a large, flat package. "Did you save me some breakfast?"

I ignored her and instead asked, "What's with the package?" 

"I don't know, it was in our mail box." Placing her keys and phone onto the bench, Alyssa inspected the package, flipping it over to read the label before she grinned mischievously. "It's addressed to Za." 

Moving off the stool with speed I didn't even know i possessed, I snatched the package out of Alyssa's hands. 

"Who's Za?" Maddie asked curiously. 

I was too preoccupied with attempting to pull the tape off the flaps of the box to respond. 

"Sash is Za." Alyssa told her.

Emma clicked her fingers, "That's who Justin thought she was when he first texted her right?" 

"Got it!" I exclaimed triumphantly pulling the box open, rummaging through the protective plastic and taking out a folded up piece of card board. 

"Is that a..?" Maddie trailed off in confusion. 

Emma continued for her, her tone indicating she was equally bewildered. "A Justin Bieber cardboard cut out?"

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