what's za worst that could happen

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Anyone who read Under the Eiffel in real time would know that my update schedule was super frequent (often, once every day at least) and I'm really sorry that it seems like i've been slacking with this story but there are a number of reasons I've been unable to to update consistently.

I'm in my final year of school, the coursework is demanding and while usually I'm still able to update once a week; about a month and a half ago my cousin passed away and to be completely honest, I was subsequently diagnosed with depression.

I'm not going to give you guys a sob story but I was unable to get out of bed, let alone sit and write a story.

Thankfully, after seeking professional help I'm gradually starting to feel like myself again.

I'm not talking about this because I want attention or sympathy but you guys are so loyal and incredible that I wanted you to know that only something as serious as death and depression could stop me from writing for you guys.

You all mean so much to me even if we aren't IRL friends, sharing my story with you all and watching you freak out in the comments section, leave me votes or even just ghost read makes me feel like we're all connected somehow.

I'm sorry to anyone I've let down and I promise, I will finish this story. 

alright i'm going to stop being a total sap, but before I let you get on with it, if you are suffering from depression, any form of mental illness or are just having a bad day, i'm here for you. It might not seem like much but even if you feel alone, I want you to know that you aren't. 


"There is legitimately something wrong with you."

"Me?" I asked incredulously, "You're the one who thinks you can steal money from the bank and not get caught." 

Alyssa's eyes widened slightly, "I didn't do anything!" 

Like probably every family to ever play Monopoly, mine was prone to an argument or two.....or seven or eight.

"There's no way you could afford to buy the Broadwalk after you had to pay dad $200 for landing on one of his properties." I retorted in annoyance. I hated letting Alyssa be the bank for this particular reason.

"Dad! You're sitting right next to me, tell her I didn't cheat!" Alyssa exclaimed, shrugging defensively.  

Dad shook his head defiantly, he knew better than to get involved between one of Alyssa and I's arguments. "I can't believe you start your first day of university tomorrow," he muttered in disbelief.

"Well believe it father," Alyssa said, munching on grape. 

"Can you not call him that?" I grimaced, rolling the dice and moving up four spaces. "For some reason it creeps me out more than calling him daddy does."

Dad looked confused. "What's wrong with calling me daddy? You called me that all the time as a kid."

"Nothing," I answered quickly, obviously not wanting to explain something so awkward. "Are we sure you didn't pay off the dean at Queensland University to secure Alyssa a spot?" 

A small, cold ball hit my temple and I didn't have to pick it up to know that it was a grape. 

"Very funny," Alyssa mocked, "But my ATAR was nearly as good as yours." 

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