what za fuck what za fuck what za fuck

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Everything's aboutta go from 0-100 I'm just saying


"Two weeks down, eleven to go!" Alyssa raised her glass and then drank it one sip. 

"At least if the psychology thing doesn't work out, you can become a full time alcoholic." I muttered. 

"She gets it from your father," Mum said in mock disapproval, nudging my shoulder with her own.

Dad didn't hear her, ironically he was too busy filling his glass with more wine. 

"How's it all going?" Mum asked, cutting up a piece of her chicken.


"It's okay."

Alyssa and I said in unison. 

Dad frowned, "Why just okay, Sasha? All your lecturers have passed on positive feedback." 

"I just didn't expect so much theory, I'm all for learning the law and understanding crime prevention tactics but when do we actually get to go out into the field?" 

I didn't join the police academy to be sitting in lecture rooms taking notes all day. 

"You just have to get through it," Dad advised sympathetically. "I know you hate it now but all that information is going to help save lives in the future."

Mum laughed and glared at dad knowingly, "Hypocrite! You were the exact same when you were her age."

Alyssa, who had been happily eating her lasagna spoke up. "University is going great for me. Good looking boys, free alcohol and God, don't even get me started on the parties." 

My phone vibrated against the table, signalling a message. 

Chandler Bing: I have a surprise for u 

My mood shot from average to 100. Justin had messaged me a two days ago telling me he'd be unreachable for a few days while he travelled. 

He also mentioned that he had spoken to Scooter about his schedule and he'd only be in Brisbane for two days so now I had less than two weeks to figure out a new birthday present for him since he wouldn't be here long enough for my original plan. 

Feeling cheeky, I tried to keep my expression neutral as i typed my response. 

Lucky Charm: If it's not dick pics, then i don't want it. 

Chandler Bing: sexting at ur parents dinner table? 

Lucky Charm: OK stalker

Lucky Charm: How do you know where I am?

Chandler Bing: do u know what i find really cute? 

Lucky Charm: If the answer's not me then i don't want to know

Chandler Bing: the fact that u hide your diary under your pillow 

Lucky Charm: it's a journal you asshole 

Lucky Charm: and it helps me get out all my thoughts before bed 

Chandler Bing: it's pink

Lucky Charm: thanks for pointing out the obvious genius 

Chandler Bing: ......

Chandler Bing: ur fucking clueless 

Lucky Charm: I don't get it 

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